

更新时间:2024-03-16 20:42作者:小编

['AMAC', '[əˈmæk]', 'abbr. Association of Mature American Citizens 美国成熟公民协会', '1. AMAC is an American organization that advocates for the rights and interests of mature citizens.', '1. AMAC是一家美国组织,致力于为成熟公民的权利和利益发声。', '2. The AMAC is known for its conservative stance on political issues.', '2. AMAC以其在问题上的保守立场而闻名。', '3. Members of the AMAC receive various benefits and discounts on services and products.', '3. AMAC会员可以享受各种服务和产品的优惠和折扣。', '4. Many older Americans choose to join the AMAC instead of AARP due to its different political views.', '4. 许多老年美国人选择加入AMAC而不是AARP,因为它有不同的观点。', '5. The AMAC has been gaining more influence in recent years as the population of older Americans increases.', '5. 随着老年美国人口的增加,AMAC近年来获得了更多的影响力。', '', '', '同义词:Association of Mature American Citizens, conservative organization, senior advocacy group', '', '', '编辑总结:AMAC是一家美国成熟公民协会,致力于为成熟公民的权利和利益发声。该组织以其保守立场在问题上闻名,并为会员提供各种优惠和折扣。近年来,随着老年美国人口的增加,AMAC的影响力也在不断提升。同义词包括Association of Mature American Citizens、conservative organization和senior advocacy group。']
