更新时间:2024-03-26 19:07作者:小编
1. 名词:指一首长篇抒情的音乐作品,通常由几个不同的部分组成,如交响乐、协奏曲等。
2. 名词:指狂想曲或奇想曲,即具有自由发挥性质的音乐作品。
3. 名词:指热情洋溢的表达方式,如行文或演讲。
4. 动词:表示即兴创作或倾吐感情。
1. The orchestra performed a beautiful rhapsody at the concert last night. (昨晚在音乐会上,管弦乐团演奏了一首美妙的狂想曲。)
2. The poet recited his latest rhapsody to the audience with great passion. (诗人满怀激情地向观众朗诵了他最新的抒情作品。)
3. She wrote a rhapsody about her love for nature and read it aloud to her friends. (她写了一首关于对大自然爱意的狂想曲,并向朋友们大声朗诵。)
4. The pianist rhapsodized on the piano, creating a beautiful melody on the spot. (钢琴家即兴弹奏,创作出一段美妙的旋律。)
5. The politician's rhapsody about his vision for the country inspired many people to support him. (家对未来愿景的热情陈述激发了许多人支持他。)
1. ode:指一首歌颂某人或某事物的抒情诗歌。
2. hymn:指一首性质的歌颂歌曲。
3. anthem:指一首被认为某个、团体或运动的歌曲。
4. improvisation:指即兴创作,通常用于音乐或戏剧领域。