更新时间:2024-04-14 19:41作者:小编
英文释义:The meaning of "凌烟" is the clouds and mist in high places or high in the sky. It can also be used to describe towering mountains or buildings. In literary works, "凌烟" can also refer to a person's elegant temperament, detached from the world.
1. 高耸入云的山峰被浓密的云雾包围着,仿佛置身于凌烟之中。(The towering mountain is surrounded by thick clouds, as if immersed in the clouds.)
2. 在这座城市最高楼顶上,你可以俯视整个城市,感受着凌烟之上的宁静。(On the of the tallest building in this city, you can overlook the whole city and feel the tranquility above the clouds.)
3. 他的气质高雅,仿佛是凌烟之上的仙子。(His elegant temperament is like a fairy above the clouds.)
4. 这首诗歌的意境高远,仿佛把人带入了凌烟之中。(The imagery of this poem is lofty, as if it takes people into the clouds.)
5. 在这个喧嚣的城市中,她保持着一种凌烟般的超脱,让人感受到一股清新的气息。(In this bustling city, she maintains a detached and ethereal demeanor, giving off a refreshing aura.)