更新时间:2024-04-14 21:10作者:小编
The phrase "出圣入神" is an idiom that refers to a state of mind or spiritual state of extreme tranquility and peace. It can be used to describe a person who feels deep inner calm and satisfaction in a specific environment, reaching a state of detachment from the mundane and connecting with the divine.
chū shèng rù shén (chū sheng ru shen)
1. 坐在这片悠然湖畔,听着鸟语花香,我不禁出圣入神地沉思。
Sitting by this tranquil lake, listening to the birds and smelling the flowers, I couldn't help but enter a state of deep contemplation.
2. 在这座古老的寺庙里,我感受到一种出圣入神的宁静和平静。
In this ancient temple, I felt a sense of tranquil peace that transported me to a state of spiritual bliss.
3. 当我在大自然中漫步时,我总是能够出圣入神地与自然融为一体。
Whenever I take a walk in nature, I am able to immerse myself in it and reach a state of spiritual oneness.
4. 他的音乐让人们仿佛置身于一个出圣入神的世界中。
His music transports people to a world of spiritual bliss.
5. 在这个瑜伽课上,我们将学习如何通过冥想来达到出圣入神的境界。
In this yoga class, we will learn how to reach a state of spiritual bliss through meditation.
1. 心旷神怡 (xīn kuàng shén yí):指心情舒畅、愉悦的状态。
2. 出神入化 (chū shén rù huà):指技艺或表演达到非常高超的境界。
3. 出世入胜 (chū shì rù shèng):指脱离尘世、沉浸在境界中。
4. 出神入定 (chū shén rù dìng):指通过冥想或修行达到超然的境界。