

更新时间:2024-04-16 08:01作者:小编



大黍 (sorghum) is a type of grain crop, belonging to the family Poaceae. It is also known as sorghum, and is one of the main traditional crops in China. Its seeds can be used as a cereal for consumption, or to make alcohol.


大黍 [dà shǔ]



Sorghum can be used as a staple food, or to make various food products such as biscuits and bread. It can also be used to produce alcoholic beverages such as beer and liquor. In addition, sorghum can also be used as animal feed.


1. 我们家乡的农民都种植大黍。

The farmers in our hometown all grow sorghum.

2. 大黍是南方常见的农作物。

Sorghum is a common crop in southern China.

3. 我们用大黍来酿造传统的米酒。

We use sorghum to make traditional rice wine.

4. 这种食品中含有大黍粉,对健康有益。

This food contains sorghum flour, which is beneficial for health.

5. 大黍是一种重要的粮食作物,具有丰富的营养价值。

Sorghum is an important grain crop with rich nutritional value.


1. 高粱 (gāo liáng):与大黍是同一种作物,只是地域不同而已。

2. 谷子 (gǔ zi):也是一种谷物作物,但与大黍不同的是,谷子的种子可以直接食用。

3. 玉米 (yù mǐ):又名玉米花、粟米,在北方地区也被称为“大黄”。

4. 小麦 (xiǎo mài):也属于禾本科植物,但与大黍不同的是,小麦的种子可以磨成面粉制作面食。

5. 水稻 (shuǐ dào):也是一种主要作物,但与大黍不同的是,水稻需要在水田中生长。

Synonyms and usage:

1. Sorghum (gāo liáng): It is the same crop as sorghum, but is grown in different regions.

2. Millet (gǔ zi): It is also a type of grain crop, but unlike sorghum, its seeds can be directly consumed.

3. Corn (yù mǐ): Also known as maize or corn, it is sometimes referred to as "dahuang" in northern China.

4. Wheat (xiǎo mài): It also belongs to the family Poaceae, but unlike sorghum, its seeds can be ground into flour for making noodles and other food products.

5. Rice (shuǐ dào): It is also a major crop, but unlike sorghum, it needs to grow in paddy fields.



In conclusion, sorghum is an important grain crop with rich nutritional value. It can be used as a staple food, or to make various food and alcoholic products. In southern China, sorghum is a common crop. Besides being used as a cereal, it can also be used to make traditional rice wine and as animal feed. Additionally, sorghum shares similarities with other grain crops such as sorghum, millet, corn, etc., but each has its own unique features. Overall, sorghum plays a crucial role in Chinese agriculture and is irreplaceable in ensuring food security for people.



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