更新时间:2024-04-17 10:53作者:小编
1. 弦外之音是指言语或行为中暗含的意思,通常指不能直接表达出来的含蓄的意思。这个成语起源于古代音乐,弦外之音是指琴弦上未被拨动而产生的隐约声音,也可以理解为心中的想法和感情。
How to pronounce: xián wài zhī yīn
Usage: 这个成语通常用来形容人们在交流时暗示或暗指某种情感或想法。
1. 她说话时总是有些弦外之音,让人猜不透她到底在想什么。
She always has some hidden meaning in her words, making it hard for people to guess what she is thinking.
2. 他的表情里透露出了一丝弦外之音,让我觉得他并不满意这次谈判结果。
There was a hint of hidden meaning in his expression, which made me feel that he was not satisfied with the outcome of the negotiation.
3. 她微笑着回答我的问题,但我能感受到她话里有话,似乎有些弦外之音。
She smiled as she answered my question, but I could sense that there was something more to her words, as if there was some hidden meaning.
4. 在他沉默不语的背后,我能听到一种弦外之音,似乎在暗示他内心的烦恼。
Behind his silence, I could hear a hidden meaning, as if he was hinting at the troubles in his heart.
5. 这首歌的歌词中充满了弦外之音,让人感受到歌手的深情和内心的挣扎。
The lyrics of this song are full of hidden meanings, conveying the singer's emotions and inner struggles.
Synonyms and usage: 弦外之音可以用隐喻、暗示、含蓄等词来表达,也可以用“言不由衷”、“有话不说”等成语来表示类似的意思。
Editor's summary: 弦外之音是一种含蓄、隐晦的意思,通常指不能直接表达出来的想法或情感。这个成语起源于古代音乐,形象地比喻为琴弦上未被拨动而产生的隐约声音。它可以用来形容人们在交流时暗示或暗指某种情感或想法,也可以用来描述一种含蓄和难以捉摸的氛围。在使用时需要注意把握好语境,避免误解。