更新时间:2024-04-17 20:00作者:小编
1. 作为形容词,常用于表示对某件事或某种情况感到意外、惊讶或害怕。
2. 也可用作动词,表示使人感到惊讶或害怕。
1. 我被突然的巨响惊了一跳。I was startled by the sudden loud noise.
2. 她听到这个消息后,脸上露出了惊讶的表情。Her face showed a look of surprise after hearing the news.
3. 这部电影结局出人意料,令观众大为惊讶。The ending of this movie was unexpected and surprised the audience.
4. 小偷被突然出现吓了一跳。The thief was startled by the sudden appearance of the police.
5. 她的歌声令人心头一震,简直让人不敢相信。Her singing voice was so amazing and it was almost unbelievable.
1. 惊奇(jīng qí):形容对某件事或某种情况感到非常意外和吃惊。
例句:他的成绩令人惊奇,大家都没有想到他会取得这么好的成绩。His grades were amazing and no one expected him to do so well.
2. 惊讶(jīng yà):形容对某件事或某种情况感到非常意外和惊异。
例句:当他听到这个消息时,他感到十分惊讶。He was very surprised when he heard the news.
3. 震惊(zhèn jīng):形容对某件事或某种情况感到非常震动和吃惊。
例句:他的突然离开令我们都感到震惊。His sudden departure shocked all of us.
4. 惊恐(jīng kǒng):形容对某件事或某种情况感到害怕和恐慌。
例句:当地发生地震后,人们都陷入了惊恐之中。After the earthquake happened, people were all in a state of panic.