更新时间:2024-04-18 12:12作者:小编
索赔:suǒ zhuī
1. 他因为交通事故受伤,现在正在向肇事方提出索赔。
He is filing a claim against the party at fault for his injuries in the car accident.
2. 我们已经准备好了所有的证据和文件,可以开始向保险公司提出索赔。
We have all the evidence and documents ready to make a claim against the insurance company.
3. 在签署合同之前,请务必仔细阅读条款,以免发生纠纷后无法提出索赔。
Please read the terms carefully before signing the contract, so that you can make a claim if any disputes arise.
4. 如果您的包裹在运输过程中受到损坏,请及时快递公司提出索赔。
If your package is damaged during transportation, please contact the courier company immediately to make a claim.
5. 她因为医疗事故导致手术失败,现在正在向医院提出索赔。
She is suing the hospital for medical malpractice after her surgery went wrong.
1. 要求赔偿:demand compensation
2. 请求补偿:request reimbursement
3. 申请赔款:apply for damages
4. 提讼:file a lawsuit
索赔是指当事人通过法律手段要求对方承担责任并进行赔偿的行为。它在法律和保险领域都有重要意义,可以涉及各种类型的损失。因此,在签署合同时应该注意条款,以免发生纠纷后无法提出索赔。同义词有demand compensation、request reimbursement等,但它们的含义略有不同,需要根据具体情况使用。