更新时间:2024-04-18 13:48作者:小编
摧枯拉朽(cui ku la xiu)是指能够轻易地摧毁枯朽的事物,比喻力量强大,不可抗拒。这个成语源自《庄子·逍遥游》,原文为“夫者,不祥之器,物或恶之,故有道者不处;君子居则观其象而玩其辞,出则观其变而观其势。夫乃国之大事,死生之地,存亡之道也。不可不察也。故引而迎天下,无所不胜;包天下而吞万国,则功业无名。是故圣人无取于此也。夫横征暴敛者,自外其民也;摧枯拉朽者,则内伤其国也。”
读音:cui(1) ku(4) la(1) xiu(3)
1. 他的力量就像一股摧枯拉朽的狂风,在战场上所向披靡。
His strength was like a mighty wind that could destroy anything in its path, invincible on the battlefield.
2. 这位年轻的以其卓越的领导能力和坚定的意志,摧枯拉朽地改变了整个的命运。
With his exceptional leadership skills and unwavering determination, the young leader was able to change the fate of the entire country.
3. 这部电影展现了一群人面对自然灾害时的勇气和决心,他们摧枯拉朽、不屈不挠地保护着自己的家园。
This movie depicts the courage and determination of a group of people in the face of natural disasters, as they bravely and relentlessly protect their homeland.
4. 在这场比赛中,他展现出了一种摧枯拉朽的力量,最终带领球队取得了胜利。
In this game, he showed a tremendous strength that could overcome any obstacle, leading his team to victory.
5. 这位老教授用他丰富的知识和深厚的学术功底,摧枯拉朽地解决了这个难题。
The old professor used his vast knowledge and profound academic background to solve this difficult problem with ease.