更新时间:2024-04-18 19:43作者:小编
无中生有(wú zhōng shēng yǒu)是一个成语,形容人能从虚无中创造出新的事物。
wú zhōng shēng yǒu
1. 他从一片空白的画布上“无中生有”,创作出了一幅令人惊叹的艺术作品。
He created an amazing piece of art from a blank canvas, showing his ability to "make something out of nothing".
2. 这位设计师总是能够“无中生有”,将简单的材料变成令人惊叹的时装。
This designer has the ability to "create something out of nothing", turning simple materials into stunning fashion pieces.
3. 他们团队里最有才华的成员总是能够在项目中“无中生有”,提出令人眼前一亮的创意。
The most talented member of their team always has the ability to "make something out of nothing", coming up with brilliant ideas for projects.
4. 别小看他,他是个能够“无中生有”的天才,总能在关键时刻想出解决问题的办法。
Don't underestimate him, he is a genius who can "create something out of nothing", always coming up with solutions in critical moments.
5. 这部电影的剧本是编剧从自己的生活中“无中生有”出来的,让人感动不已。
The script for this movie was "created out of nothing" by the screenwriter from his own life, leaving a deep impression on the audience.
1. 凭空捏造:指毫无根据地虚构事实。
2. 虚构:指根据一定的想象力创造出来的东西。
3. 幻想:指通过想象创造出来的虚拟世界或事物。
4. 创新:指在原有基础上进行改革和创造,产生新的东西。