更新时间:2024-04-18 23:22作者:小编
明见万里是指能够看到遥远的地方,也可以用来形容人的眼光或见识非常广阔。在英文中,可以翻译为“see far and wide”。
明见万里的拼音为 míng jiàn wàn lǐ,音标为 /mɪŋ dʒiɛn wan li/。
1. 他站在山顶上,明见万里,感叹大自然的壮美。(He stood on the of the mountain, seeing far and wide, marveling at the grandeur of nature.)
2. 这位企业家具有开阔的视野,能够明见万里,把握住市场趋势。(This entrepreneur has a broad vision, can see far and wide, and grasp market trends.)
3. 古代文人常以“明见万里”来形容自己有着博大精深的学识。(Ancient literati often used "see far and wide" to describe their vast knowledge.)
4. 我们登上了高楼顶层,从那里可以明见万里,欣赏城市的美景。(We climbed to the of the high-rise building, where we could see far and wide and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the city.)
5. 他的眼光很独到,总能明见万里,别人看不到的东西。(His vision is very unique, he can always see far and wide, and find things that others cannot see.)
1. 眺望远方:指远眺,观察远处景物。
2. 展望未来:指展望未来的发展趋势或前景。
3. 睥睨千里:形容眼光高远,能够看到遥远的地方。
4. 洞察一切:指能够洞悉事物的本质和内在规律。
5. 见多识广:指知识面广泛,见识丰富。