更新时间:2024-04-19 08:31作者:小编
英文翻译:Amidst the darkness, there is still hope and light. This idiom means that even in difficult or adverse situations, one should not give up hope because there may be positive changes in the future.
柳暗花明的拼音为liǔ àn huā míng。
1. 在这场中,我们必须保持乐观,记住柳暗花明。
In this pandemic, we must stay optimistic and remember that there is always light at the end of the tunnel.
2. 尽管遭遇了很多挫折,但他始终相信柳暗花明。
Despite facing many setbacks, he always believed that there is light at the end of the tunnel.
3. 她的生活一直很艰难,但是她从不放弃,因为她相信柳暗花明。
Her life has always been difficult, but she never gave up because she believed that there is always light at the end of the tunnel.
4. 即使面对失败,也不要灰心丧气,柳暗花明的日子总会到来。
Even in the face of failure, do not lose heart, for there will always be brighter days ahead.
5. 虽然眼下看起来很困难,但我仍然相信柳暗花明。
Although it seems difficult now, I still believe that there is light at the end of the tunnel.
1. 黎明前的黑暗:指的是在困境之中仍然能够看到希望和光明。
2. 坚持不懈:形容在困境中不放弃、坚持下去。
3. 明天会更好:表示相信未来会有好的变化。