更新时间:2024-04-19 19:02作者:小编
英文释义:Eternal justice refers to a very persistent and unchanging moral standard that transcends time and space, with universality and eternity. It is an essential value in the development of human society, representing fairness, justice, and moral principles.
永恒正义 [yǒng héng zhèng yì]
1. 永恒正义是人类社会发展过程中不可或缺的核心价值观。
Eternal justice is an essential core value in the development of human society.
2. 我们应该努力追求永恒正义,让社会更加公平和美好。
We should strive for eternal justice to make society more fair and beautiful.
3. 这个法律的出台是为了维护永恒正义,保护弱势群体的权益。
The enactment of this law is to uphold eternal justice and protect the rights of vulnerable groups.
4. 那位为了捍卫永恒正义,不惜牺牲自己的生命。
The hero sacrificed his life in defense of eternal justice.
5. 只有坚持永恒正义,才能建立一个和谐稳定的社会。
Only by upholding eternal justice can we establish a harmonious and stable society.
1. 公平公正(fairness and justice):指对待每个人都一视同仁,不偏袒任何一方。
2. 道德准则(moral principles):指社会公认的行为规范和价值观。
3. 正义(justice):指根据法律或道德标准来判断和处理事情的公平性和合理性。
4. 平等(equality):指每个人都享有同等的权利和机会,不受种族、阶级、性别等因素影响。
5. 伦理道德(ethical morality):指与道德标准相符合的行为规范。