更新时间:2024-04-19 21:56作者:小编
Sapong is a type of shrub that grows in sandy areas, also known as "sand thistle". It belongs to the legume family and has yellow flowers and pod-like fruits. In traditional Chinese medicine, sapong is also used as a medicinal herb with effects such as clearing heat and toxins, reducing swelling and relieving pain.
沙蓬的读音为shā péng。
1. 植物名称:这种灌木植物的学名为Astragalus adsurgens Pall.,通常生长在干旱的沙漠或沙质土壤上。
2. 药用:根、茎和叶可作为中药材使用,常见于《本草纲目》等古籍中。可作为清热解毒、消肿止痛等方面的药物。
3. 食用:虽然不常被人们食用,但在一些地区,沙蓬的嫩叶和嫩茎也被当作蔬菜食用。
1. 这种灌木植物的花朵呈黄色,非常美丽。
The flowers of this shrub are yellow and very beautiful.
2. 据说沙蓬可以治疗发热感冒。
It is said that sapong can treat fever and colds.
3. 在中药材市场上,沙蓬是一种常见的药材。
In the Chinese herbal medicine market, sapong is a common medicinal herb.
4. 这道菜用到了新鲜的沙蓬叶,味道非常特别。
This dish uses fresh sapong leaves and has a unique flavor.
5. 他们在沙漠里了一株罕见的沙蓬植物。
They found a rare sapong plant in the desert.
1. 沙地荆芥:是对沙蓬的另一种称呼,通常用来指代其生长环境。
2. 沙地豆:也是对沙蓬的俗称,因为其果实为豆荚状。
3. 黄花地黄:在某些地区也将沙蓬称为黄花地黄,但其实黄花地黄是另一种植物的名称。
沙蓬是一种生长在沙地上的灌木植物,具有清热解毒、消肿止痛等功效,在中医药学中被广泛使用。它的学名为Astragalus adsurgens Pall.,也被称为“沙地荆芥”或“沙地豆”。虽然不常被人们食用,但在一些地区也有人将其作为蔬菜食用。通过本文,我们可以了解到沙蓬的基本信息、用法及同义词,希望能对读者有所帮助。