更新时间:2024-04-20 12:55作者:小编
ài máo fǎn qiú,读音为 [ài] [máo] [fǎn] [qiú],四声平声。
1. 他为了赚钱而出卖朋友,真是爱毛反裘。
He betrayed his friends for money, he is really a person who loves fur but hates leather.
2. 他太爱毛反裘了,连最基本的道德都没有。
He loves fur but hates leather too much, he doesn't even have the most basic morality.
3. 这些政客都是爱毛反裘的人,只顾自己的利益,根本不考虑民众的感受。
These politicians are all people who love fur but hate leather, they only care about their own interests and don't consider the feelings of the people at all.
4. 那个商人为了赚钱不惜伤害环境,真是爱毛反裘。
That businessman is willing to harm the environment for money, he is really a person who loves fur but hates leather.
5. 他们为了自己的利益而不顾的发展,简直就是爱毛反裘。
They ignore the development of the country for their own interests, it's just like loving fur but hating leather.
1. 贪婪自私:指人只顾自己的利益,不顾他人感受。
2. 唯利是图:指人只追求利益,不考虑其他因素。
3. 不择手段:指为了达到目的不择手段,不顾道德和原则。
4. 背信弃义:指背叛信任、违背承诺、失信于人。
5. 铁面无私:指做事公正无私,不受私心影响。