更新时间:2024-04-20 14:20作者:小编
物竞天择(wù jìng tiān zé)是一句成语,指的是自然界中生物之间的竞争和选择。它源自于达尔文的进化论,强调了生物界中“适者生存”的法则。
物竞天择:wù jìng tiān zé
1. 在自然界中,每个生物都要经历无数次的物竞天择,才能生存下来。
In nature, every organism has to go through countless competitions and selections in order to survive.
2. 随着科技的发展,人类社会也在不断经历着物竞天择,只有适应变化才能取得成功。
With the development of technology, human society is also constantly experiencing competitions and selections, only by adapting to changes can one achieve success.
3. 在这个充满竞争的社会里,只有不断提升自己才能在物竞天择中脱颖而出。
In this competitive society, only by constantly improving oneself can one stand out in the competition and selection.
4. 每个人都应该认识到物竞天择的存在,努力提升自己的能力,才能在激烈的竞争中生存下来。
Everyone should realize the existence of competition and selection, and strive to improve their abilities in order to survive in fierce competition.
5. 这家公司之所以能够在市场上生存下来,是因为它不断适应市场变化,勇于面对物竞天择。
The reason why this company can survive in the market is because it constantly adapts to market changes and bravely faces competition and selection.
1. 生存法则(survival of the fittest):也是源自达尔文进化论的一句话,与物竞天择有着相同的意思。
2. 适者生存(survival of the fittest):也是与物竞天择同义的短语,强调了适应环境和选择优胜者的重要性。
3. 竞争选择(competition and selection):与物竞天择意思相近,强调了竞争和选择两个方面。