更新时间:2024-04-20 15:23作者:小编
狂奴故态(kuáng nú gù tài)是指一个人或群体在某种情况下表现出的盲目追随、无法自拔的状态,常常伴随着极端的心理和行为表现。这个词通常用来形容人们在某种信仰、或社会运动中受到极端影响,失去理性和独立思考能力,盲目追随或主张。
1. 他们被狂奴故态所蒙蔽,不顾一切地支持那个虚假的运动。
They were blinded by their fanaticism and supported the false political movement at all costs.
2. 这些年轻人受到网络信息的煽动,陷入了狂奴故态,无法自拔。
These young people were incited by online information and fell into a state of blind fanaticism, unable to extricate themselves.
3. 在那个时代,许多人都被极端思想所影响,陷入了狂奴故态。
In that era, many people were influenced by extreme ideas and fell into a state of blind fanaticism.
4. 这场运动的利用人们的狂奴故态,达到了他们的私利。
The leader of this political movement took advantage of people's blind fanaticism to serve their own interests.
5. 他们不顾事实和道理,完全陷入了狂奴故态,变得盲目追随。
They disregarded facts and reason, completely falling into a state of blind fanaticism and blindly following.
1. 盲从(máng cóng):指盲目追随、无原则地跟随别人的意见或行为。
2. 极端主义(jí duān zhǔ yì):指极端的思想、行为或主张。
3. 狂热(kuáng rè):指过度激动、热情或冲动,常常伴随着盲目追随。
4. 盲信(máng xìn):指盲目相信某个人或事物,缺乏理性思考。
5. 偏执(piān zhí):指固执己见、武断和不容置疑。