更新时间:2024-04-20 22:38作者:小编
甲骨文的发音为jiǎ gǔ wén,其中“jiǎ”和“gǔ”分别读作第二声和第三声,“wén”读作第四声。
1. 商王在祭祀仪式上向神灵求问未来的命运,并将结果刻在龟甲上。
The king of Shang dynasty asked for the future destiny from the gods during the sacrifice ceremony and carved the results on the turtle shells.
2. 这块甲骨上的文字是商朝时期的卜辞,记录了一次大雨后的农作物收成情况。
The characters on this piece of oracle bone are inscriptions from the Shang dynasty, recording the harvest situation after a heavy rain.
3. 甲骨文是最早的文字之一,也是研究古代历史和文化的重要资料。
Oracle bone script is one of the earliest Chinese characters and also an important resource for studying ancient Chinese history and culture.
4. 甲骨文的对于研究商周时期的社会、和有着重要意义。
The discovery of oracle bones has great significance in studying the society, politics, and religion of the Shang and Zhou dynasties.
5. 随着时间的推移,甲骨文逐渐被篆书和楷书所取代,但它仍然保留着它作为文字发展历史上重要地位。
As time went by, oracle bone script was gradually replaced by seal script and regular script, but it still holds a significant position in the development history of Chinese characters.