更新时间:2024-04-21 06:28作者:小编
1. 作为名词使用,表示君主的时期或王朝的兴衰。
2. 也可以用来形容某个人或团体在某一领域内长期占据主导地位。
1. 唐朝是历史上最辉煌的王朝之一,其祚延续了近300年。
The Tang Dynasty was one of the most glorious dynasties in Chinese history, and its reign lasted for nearly 300 years.
2. 这位企业家已经连续十年蝉联福布斯富豪榜榜首,可见其在商界的祚非常稳固。
This entrepreneur has been ping the Forbes rich list for ten consecutive years, showing his strong position in the business world.
3. 隋文帝杨坚建立隋朝后,便开始了他长达三十余年的祚。
After Emperor Yang Jian established the Sui Dynasty, he began his reign that lasted for more than thirty years.
4. 汉武帝是汉朝的第七位皇帝,其祚长达五十四年。
Emperor Wu of Han was the seventh emperor of the Han Dynasty, and his reign lasted for 54 years.
5. 在历史上,有许多王朝的祚都很短暂,只有几年甚至几个月。
In history, there were many dynasties with short reigns, lasting only a few years or even months.
1. :指君主或掌握权力并管理事务。
2. 时期:指君主或的时间段。
3. 兴盛:形容繁荣昌盛、兴旺发达。
4. 兴衰:指或王朝由盛转衰或由衰转盛的过程。