更新时间:2024-04-21 13:42作者:小编
英文释义:Zhu Yan Diao Wei is a Chinese idiom, which means to build buildings on steep rocks or to fish in deep abyss. This idiom describes the brave spirit and determination of people who are not afraid of difficulties.
筑岩钓渭的读音为“zhù yán diào wèi”,其中“zhù”读作/ʒu/,“yán”读作/jɛn/,“diào”读作/di̯aʊ/,“wèi”读作/weɪ/。
1. 他们在山顶上筑岩钓渭,为了修建一座宏伟的城堡。
They built on the of the mountain, fishing in deep abyss, in order to build a magnificent castle.
2. 这位年轻人勇敢地筑岩钓渭,最终实现了自己的梦想。
This young man bravely built on steep rocks and fished in deep abyss, finally achieving his dream.
3. 面对挑战,他们毫不退缩,坚定地筑岩钓渭。
Facing challenges, they did not back down and firmly built on steep rocks and fished in deep abyss.
4. 在这个险峻的山区,居民们每天都要筑岩钓渭才能捕获足够的食物。
In this steep mountain area, residents have to build on steep rocks and fish in deep abyss every day to catch enough food.
5. 我们应该像那些在险峻的环境中筑岩钓渭的人一样,勇敢面对生活中的挑战。
We should be like those who build on steep rocks and fish in deep abyss in harsh environments, bravely facing the challenges of life.
1. 砥砺前行:形容人们在困难面前坚定不移地向前进。
2. 坚韧不拔:形容人们在困难面前坚持不懈、不屈服。
3. 勇往直前:形容人们勇敢地向前进、冲锋陷阵。
4. 不畏艰难:形容人们不害怕困难、勇于面对挑战。
5. 坚定不移:形容人们态度坚定、毫不动摇。