更新时间:2024-04-22 09:49作者:小编
若隐若显(ruò yǐn ruò xiǎn)是指某种事物或情况并不十分明显,但又能被察觉到或感知到。它可以用来形容一种微妙的感觉、表现或存在。
ruò yǐn ruò xiǎn
1. 她的微笑若隐若显,让人无法琢磨她的真实想法。
Her smile is elusive, making it difficult to figure out her true thoughts.
2. 这幅画的主题若隐若显,给人一种神秘而深邃的感觉。
The theme of this painting is elusive, giving a mysterious and profound feeling.
3. 在这个城市里,历史文化遗迹处处都是若隐若显。
In this city, historical and cultural relics are everywhere, but they are also elusive.
4. 他的才华并不十分突出,但却总是在细节中若隐若显。
His talent is not particularly outstanding, but it always shows in the details in an elusive way.
5. 这首歌的歌词中,爱情的主题若隐若显,让人感受到一种暗藏的情感。
In the lyrics of this song, the theme of love is elusive, giving people a hidden emotion.
1. 暗藏(àn cáng):指某种事物或情况被隐藏起来,不容易被或察觉到。
2. 隐晦(yǐn huì):指某种事物或情况含义不明显,需要仔细推敲才能理解。
3. 含蓄(hán xù):指某种言语或行为暗示了某种意思,而非直接表达出来。
4. 模糊(mó hu):指某种事物或情况不清晰、不明确,缺乏清晰度和准确度。
5. 莫测(mò cè):指某种事物或情况无法被揭露、探究,神秘莫测。