更新时间:2024-04-22 13:02作者:小编
Profit (noun): The gain or benefit obtained from an activity or transaction, also known as earnings or profit. In the business world, profit is one of the ultimate goals of a company's operations and is also a crucial indicator of its performance.
获利 (huò lì)
Profit is usually used as a verb to describe the act of gaining profits through certain means. It can also be used as a noun to refer to the gains or profits obtained. In the business world, it is often used to describe the results of a company's or individual's operations.
1. 这家公司去年获利超过了预期。
The company exceeded its profit expectations last year.
2. 我们需要想办法提高销售额以增加获利。
We need to find ways to increase sales in order to boost profits.
3. 他们通过投资股票获利。
They made a profit by investing in stocks.
4. 这次交易给我们带来了巨大的获利。
This transaction brought us huge profits.
5. 他们的业务模式非常成功,每年都能获得可观的获利。
Their business model is very successful, and they make considerable profits every year.
1. 利润 (lì rùn):指企业或个人经营活动中所得到的收益。
2. 收益 (shōu yì):指通过投资、租金等方式所得到的盈利。
3. 盈利 (yíng lì):泛指通过某种活动或交易所得到的盈利。
4. 利益 (lì yì):可以指经济上的收入,也可以指其他方面的好处。
5. 利钱 (lì qián):口语中常用于表示赚钱或收入。