更新时间:2024-04-22 17:49作者:小编
Ling (líng) is a type of insect, belonging to the family Acrididae, also known as "flying grasshoppers" or "flying locusts". They are usually found near water or in moist areas, flying in swarms and feeding on leaves and flowers of plants. Ling is also a commonly used metaphor in ancient poetry, representing a short but beautiful life.
1. 春风吹过,蛉在花丛中飞舞,美妙的景象让人心旷神怡。
The spring breeze blows, and the lings dance in the flowers, creating a beautiful scene that delights people's hearts.
2. 那只蛉在绿叶间跳跃,仿佛在为春天歌唱。
The ling jumps among the green leaves, as if singing for spring.
3. 虽然蛉的生命很短暂,但它们用自己的美丽点缀了大地。
Although the life of a ling is short, they decorate the earth with their beauty.
4. 诗人常以蛉来比喻生命的短暂和珍贵。
Poets often use lings as a metaphor for the brevity and preciousness of life.
5. 夏日的午后,蛉在小溪边欢快地飞舞,似乎在庆祝生命的美好。
On a summer afternoon, the lings dance joyfully by the stream, as if celebrating the beauty of life.
1. 蝗虫(huáng chóng):也是一种昆虫,与蛉属于同一科,但体型更大且常常成群出现。可以用来指代成群出现的蛉。
2. 飞蝗(fēi huáng):也是蛉的别称,强调它们飞行的特点。
3. 飞蛾(fēi é):与蛉相似,但属于鳞翅目昆虫。也可以用来比喻短暂的生命。
4. 舞蝶(wǔ dié):指代舞动在花丛中的蝴蝶,也可以用来比喻欢快的生活状态。