更新时间:2024-04-23 11:53作者:小编
轶:yì [yì]
1. 这位作家的文笔非常轶出,每一部作品都能引起读者的共鸣。
The writing style of this writer is very remarkable, and each of his works can resonate with readers.
2. 这个小镇上有很多轶闻传说,吸引了很多游客前来探索。
There are many legends and stories in this town, which attract a lot of tourists to come and explore.
3. 她在学术界享有很高的声誉,被誉为一位轶事人物。
She enjoys a high reputation in the academic community and is hailed as a remarkable figure.
4. 这次比赛中,他展现出了与众不同的实力,获得了冠。
In this competition, he showed remarkable strength and won the championship.
5. 这部电影讲述了一个普通人通过自己的努力和坚持最终成为一位轶事人物的故事。
This movie tells the story of an ordinary person who becomes a remarkable figure through his own efforts and perseverance.
1. 卓越(zhuó yuè):指在某一领域具有卓越的才能或成就。
2. 非凡(fēi fán):指超越寻常,与众不同。
3. 突出(tū chū):指在某方面表现出色,引人注目。
4. 出众(chū zhòng):指在某方面比其他人更为优秀、突出。
5. 超群(chāo qún):指超越一般,卓越出众。