

更新时间:2024-04-23 16:23作者:小编


How to pronounce: [shì dé qí fǎn]

Usage: 适得其反 is often used in formal writing or speech to express an unexpected outcome or unintended consequence.

Example sentences:

1. 他原本想要表扬员工的努力,结果却适得其反,让员工感到压力更大了。

He intended to praise the hard work of his employees, but it backfired and made them feel even more pressured.

2. 这次改革的目的是为了提高教育质量,但却适得其反地增加了学生们的负担。

The purpose of this reform was to improve the quality of education, but it had the opposite effect and increased the burden on students.

3. 她希望通过减少工作时间来提高生产效率,然而这一做法却适得其反,导致生产量下降了。

She hoped to increase productivity by reducing working hours, but it had the opposite effect and led to a decrease in production.

4. 这种减肥方法看似有效,但实际上可能会适得其反,导致身体出现不良反应。

This weight loss method may seem effective, but in reality, it could backfire and cause adverse reactions in the body.

5. 他的好意被误解,最终适得其反,让他和朋友之间产生了隔阂。

His good intentions were misunderstood and ended up backfiring, causing a rift between him and his friends.

Synonyms and usage: 适得其反 can also be expressed as "事与愿违" (shì yǔ yuàn wéi), which has a similar meaning of "things turning out contrary to expectations." It can also be used in the phrase "适得其所" (shì dé qí suǒ), which means "to find a suitable place or position." Both phrases are commonly used in formal writing or speech.

Editor's summary: 适得其反 is a Chinese idiom that describes an outcome that is opposite to what was intended. It is often used to express unexpected results or unintended consequences. This phrase should be used carefully in formal contexts and can be replaced by similar phrases such as "事与愿违" and "适得其所."




2024-04-23 16:24


适当(中文):合适的、恰当的、得体的appropriate (English): suitable, proper, fitting怎么读(音标)适当:shì dàng用法:作为形容词,适当可以用来修饰名词,表示符合要求、合乎情况或

2024-04-23 16:20


适应的意思是指根据环境变化调整自身,以适合新的情况或要求。在英文中,适应可以用adapt来表示。怎么读(音标)适应:shì yìng [shì yìng]adapt:əˈdæpt [uh-dapt]用法适应作为

2024-04-23 16:17


适合的意思是指符合某种特定的要求或条件,能够满足某种需要或目的。在英文中,适合可以用fit来表示。怎么读(音标)适合:shì hé [shì hè]fit: fɪt [fɪt]用法适合可以作为动词

2024-04-23 16:16


适合(中文):指符合某种条件或者需求,能够满足要求,合适的意思。适合(英文):suitable, appropriate, fitting怎么读(音标):shì hé用法:1. 作为动词,表示符合、适应某种情况或者要求。2.

2024-04-23 16:15


适合于是指某物或某人在特定的情况下能够满足需求或符合要求,能够发挥最佳效果或发挥作用。How to read: /əˈsuːtəbl/ 用法:适合于通常用来描述某物或某人是否符合特定条

2024-04-23 16:12
