更新时间:2024-04-24 15:09作者:小编
英文释义:Fragrant dissipation and jade damage, refers to precious items or beautiful things gradually disappearing or being destroyed. It can be used to describe the shortness of life, everything will disappear with the passage of time. It can also be used to describe precious things being destroyed or lost.
香消玉损 (xiāng xiāo yù sǔn)
1. 她年轻时是个美丽的歌手,但如今已经香消玉损了。(She was a beautiful singer when she was young, but now she has faded away.)
2. 随着时间的流逝,这座古老的城堡也渐渐香消玉损。(As time goes by, this ancient castle is gradually fading away.)
3. 这位艺术家的作品被破坏后,他心如死灰,觉得自己的一生都是香消玉损了。(After the artist's works were destroyed, he felt as if his life was ruined.)
4. 人生如梦,一切都会在转瞬间香消玉损。(Life is like a dream, everything will fade away in an instant.)
5. 我们应该珍惜眼前拥有的一切,因为它们随时可能会香消玉损。(We should cherish everything we have now, because they can fade away at any time.)
1. 美好事物逝去或遭受破坏:美梦成空、花谢花飞、水涸山穷、春去秋来、岁月无情。
2. 人生短暂:匆匆岁月、转瞬即逝、白驹过隙。
3. 珍贵的东西被毁坏或失去:宝贵之物付之一炬、珍珠泪流。