更新时间:2024-04-20 14:38作者:小编
英: 美:
1、Many surface waters, particularly those emanating from swampy areas, are often colored to the extent.───许多地表水,特别是由沼泽地区流出的地表水常常染上一定程度的颜色。
2、a type of palm tree that yields sago . this tree is normally found along riverbanks , swampy areas or areas near water.───是一种盛产西米的棕榈树,通常生长于河岸沼泽或近水的地方。
3、Ornamental shrub or small tree of swampy areas in southwestern United States having large pink or white sepals and yielding Georgia bark for treating fever.───在美国西南部沼泽的一种观赏灌木或小乔木,具有大的粉红色或白色萼片,产生能够治疗疟疾的乔治亚树皮。
4、This is a forage grass, providing hay from swampy areas.───这是一块饲料草地,提供来自沼泽的地区的干草。
5、a fresh water fish with small climbing perch , is often found in rivers , swampy areas with a lot of weeds and paddy fields.───属于淡水鲈鱼类,鱼身细小,经常在河流杂草丛生的沼泽区或稻田里找到。
6、the hurricane first hit land in remote , swampy areas of the miskito coast , and moved through villages further inland.───飓风最开始袭击陆地是从遥远的蚊子海岸过来的,并经过岛上的村镇。
7、Fill or drain puddles, ditches, and swampy areas, and either remove, drain, or fill tree holes and stumps with sand or mortar.───填补流失或积水,沟渠,沼泽地,并移除,人才外流或填补树洞及树桩与沙子或砂浆。
8、The Bengal tiger inhabits grassy or swampy areas and forests, where it is well camouflaged by its coloration.───孟加拉老虎居住于绿色的像草的或沼泽的区域和森林,在它很好地被它的着色伪装的地方。
9、The hurricane first hit land in remote swampy areas of the miskito coast and moved through villages further inland.───飓风首次登陆的地点为米斯基托海岸偏僻的沼泽地区,并越过村庄向内陆深入。
1、swamp cypress───[林]落羽杉
2、slum areas───贫民区
3、staging areas───集结待命地区
4、swamp barges───沼泽驳船
5、swamp gas───沼气(等于smarshgas)
6、goal areas───小禁区,球门区
7、penalty areas───罚球区,禁区
8、safe areas───[安全]安全区
9、gray areas───灰色区域(grayarea的复数)
n. 领土,领域;范围;地域;版图
n. 领域;域名;产业;地产;n. (Domain)人名;(英、法)多曼
n. 领域;牧场;旷野;战场;运动场