更新时间:2024-04-21 07:33作者:小编
英: 美:
找出; 物色; 找到
1、The director said that he would seek out method for raising production.───那位主任说他会找出提高产量的途径的.
2、Now is the time for local companies to seek out business opportunities in Europe.───对于当地公司来说,现在是时候去欧洲寻求商机了。
3、More people in more places seek out news more often than ever.───在世界上更多的地方,更多的人们渴望获得新闻,他们的热情空前高涨.
4、For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.───可爱的眼睛, 善于探寻别人的优点.
5、We need to seek out tough and talented competition.───我们必须寻找艰难而考验智慧的挑战.
6、This is a time to seek out and work for good leaders.───现在是找寻好的领导并为其工作的时候。
7、From working moms to teenage firls, these women seek out Anna's boutiques.───从上班一族的母亲到少女们, 都在寻找安娜专卖流行服装店.
8、I read Perls, and then I tried to seek out Gestalt trainers.───以前我有本书的一章叫“体验:人本 、 形与存在主义治疗法的本质”.
9、You seek out environments that are enjoyable and interesting.───你总是能找到那些有趣、欢乐的环境.
10、He didn't want to seek out Fourth Master Liu.───他不肯去找刘四爷.
11、Seek out your good friends.───挑选出你的好朋友。
12、We are trying to seek out the trouble spot of the instrument.───我们正试图找出仪器的故障.
13、Let us seek out some desolate shade , and there weep our sad bosoms empty.───我们寻个僻静的地方,去痛哭一场吧.
14、He would seek out some bright mechanic in the camp.───他常去军营寻找某个快乐的技工做朋友.
15、Vespa collectors continue to seek out, repair , and sell these vintage scooters.───死忠的伟士牌车迷继续寻找老爷车并将它们改头换面及贩售.
16、Hamilton does not seek out attention, but prefers the quiet life.───73汉密尔顿却并不愿意招摇, 而更喜欢过平静的生活.
17、You must seek out the advanced experience of the masses, sum it up and popularize it.───你必须发现群众的先进经验, 并加以总结和推广.
18、Children seek out regularities and rules in acquiring language.───儿童在学习语言过程中会找出各种规律和规则。
1、speak out───畅所欲言;大胆地说;大声地说
2、feel out───v.试探出
3、sees out───完成,贯彻
4、see out───完成,贯彻
5、seeks out───找出;搜出;想获得
6、seen out───完成,贯彻
7、jerk out───断断续续地说出;猛地掏出
8、deck out───装饰,打扮;盛装打扮
9、keep out───阻止进入
vt. 寻求;寻找;探索;搜索
vi. 寻找;探索;搜索
Students may decide to seek tutorial guidance.
seek forv. 寻找;追求;探索
seek out找出;搜出;想获得
seek advice征求意见;请教