更新时间:2024-04-22 17:58作者:小编
英: 美:
买下…的全部股份; 赎买; 购空存货
leveraged buyout───[经]融资收买;融资买入
1、Large companies can easily buy out the shareholders of small companies.───大公司可以很轻易地买下小分司的全部股份.
2、He had enough money to buy out the island.───他的钱多得足够买下那个岛.
3、The investment company wants to buy out many failing Internet companies.───该投资公司想要购并许多间即将倒闭的网路公司.
4、What are the major risks of a leveraged buy - out such as this?───以融资方式购并这样的工厂,需承担的重要风险有哪些?
5、I advise you to buy out his share of power.───他建议你买下他的全部股权.
6、But there is no denying that Banks compete with buy-out firms, too.───但是,不可否认,银行与收购公司之间还是存在竞争的。
7、Real Madrid could buy out the clause if LA Galaxy were willing.───如果LA愿意,皇马可以买断贝克汉姆的合同.
8、The buy out cost is much higher than we originally anticipated.───买断的成本比我们最开始预计的要高得多.
9、The bank had to pay to buy out most of the 200 former partners.───银行不得不花钱买断200个前合伙人的多数股权。
10、The big banks agree to buy out the little banks at an appropriate discount.───大银行同意按适当的折算率把小银行的贷款全买过来.
11、At a future date, managers will be invited to apply for a management buy-out.───在将来的某一天,经理们将受邀参加一项管理层控股收购。
12、The bank had to pay to buy out most of the 200 former partners.───银行不得不花钱买下过去200名合伙人手中的大部分股权。
13、I advise you to buy out his all share of power.───我建议你买下他的全部股权.
14、In nominal terms, it was the largest buy - out ever.───就名义金额而言, 这是迄今为止最大金额的收购.
15、The TXU bid could become the biggest buy - out ever.───此次收购行动将会成为目前一次最大的收购交易.
16、Volkswagen had decided to buy out Chryster for $ 15 a share.───大众汽车公司已决定以每股十五美元的价格把克莱斯勒公司的股票通通买入.
17、Larger companies often buy out smaller companies that are having financial difficulties.───大企业经常会收购一些有财务困难的小公司.
18、The reasonable price is a key factor in the management buy - out ( MBO ).───合理的收购价格是管理层收购成功与否的关键.
1、buy outs───全部买下(buyout的名词复数)
3、buys out───买下…的全部产权;出钱使…放弃地位
4、burn out───烧坏;烧尽;不再热衷
5、bulk out───(数据的)输出;使扩大;突出
6、bugs out───撤退;暴突
7、buy boat───收鲜船
8、bug out───撤退;暴突
9、butt out───不必多嘴;别管闲事
并购的内涵非常广泛,一般是指兼并(Merger)和收购(Acquisition)。兼并 —又称吸收合并,即两种不同事物,因故合并成一体。指两家或者更多的独立企业,公司合并组成一家企业,通常由一家占优势的公司吸收一家或者多家公司。收购 — 指一家企业用现金或者有价证券购买另一家企业的股票或者资产,以获得对该企业的全部资产或者某项资产的所有权,或对该企业的控制权。与并购意义相关的另一个概念是合并(Consolidation)——是指两个或两个