更新时间:2024-04-22 22:23作者:小编
英: 美:
业务类型; 经营类型
1、Who says one can't take care of a baby, own a home based business, type on the keyboard, drive a car just because she's got no arms?───谁说没有手臂,就不能照顾孩子、在家开展自己的事业、用电脑办公还有开车?
2、be more specific, based on their business type, I'd like to offer a range of services which they can check off if they provide.───更具体地说,基于他们的业务类型,我想提供一系列的服务,他们可以检查他们是否提供。
3、With the development of the company, business type and management have been expanding.───随着公司的发展,业务类型和管理规模不断扩大。
4、However, there is no reason to restrict them to business-type faults: you should use wherever you expect a fault could be thrown.───不过,没有理由将它们规定为业务类型的故障:应该在任何需要抛出异常的情况下使用。
5、"Flexible" strategy - targeted at specific characteristics of the product and business type, select the appropriate outsourcing strategy.───“弹性”战略——针对具体的产品特性和业务类型,选择适当的外包战略。
6、Understands various types dining room transport business type and the management pattern.───了解各式餐厅的营运类型及管理模式。
7、Please clarify the exact definition, business type and scope of coverage of universal service.───美方澄清“邮政普遍服务”的具体定义、业务形式和范围。
8、Business Type: Please choose from the drop down menu which option best qualifies your taxation status.───商业类型:请从下拉菜单选择最符合您的纳税身份的选项。
1、business trips───公务旅行,出差;商务旅行
2、business cases───商业案例
3、business cycles───商业周期;景气循环;产业循环
4、business people───n.商业人士
5、business cycle───商业周期;景气变动
6、business model───商业模式;经营模式;业务模式
7、business trip───公务旅行,出差;商务旅行
8、business angel───创业天使
9、business case───商业案例
1.。what is business
A business can be defined as an organization that provides goods and services to others who want or need them. When many people think of business careers, they often think of jobs in large wealthy corporations. Many business-related careers, however, exist in small businesses, non-profit organizations, government agencies, and educational settings. Furthermore, you don't need a degree in business to obtain many of these positions. In short, every sector of our economy needs people with strong overall skills that can be applied to business-type careers. There are a wide variety of career areas that exist in business settings. Some of these include:
Administrative management
Business management
Human resources
Information systems
Operations management
Public relations
Retail management
2.Translation of Business English
3.Business English Teaching
4.abbreviations in business english