更新时间:2024-04-23 08:27作者:小编
英: 美:
1、Gemenne said there was more at stake than cultural and sentimental attachments to swamped countries.───弗朗索瓦称,对淹没的国家来说有比文化和眷恋更利害攸关的事情.
2、We will do this because our own security is at stake.───我们之所以这么做是因为这涉及我们的安全问题.
3、We cannot afford to take risks when peoples' lives are at stake.───人命交关,不容我们有闪失。
4、Your health is at stake.───你的健康状况濒临危险.
5、If purity were the only thing at stake , America won hands down.───如果只讲纯洁, 美国可以不战而胜.
6、The team played hard because the championship of the state was at stake.───这场球队员们打得非常艰苦,因为这个州的冠军赛正处于胜负的紧要关头.
7、At stake are more than 20,000 jobs in Britain's aerospace sector.───英国航天部门2万多人面临失业的危险。
8、The Chinese nation has reached a point where its very existence is at stake.───中华民族到了这生死存亡的关头.
9、There is more than money at stake in the Greek crisis.───在希腊危机中,面临风险的并不仅仅是货币.
10、I screen him, when my own character is at stake.───我不惜身败名裂,替他遮丑.
11、So there was a lot at stake there.───所以那里有着我们相当多的利益.
12、Now my fate is at stake.───现在是我命运的关键时刻.
13、But there is more than just one bank's reputation at stake.───但此事不仅关系到一家银行的声誉.
14、Gaia: All is not lost, Kratos. You must go on. There is much at stake here.───盖亚: 你什么都没有失去, 奎托斯. 你要坚持下去. 这正是千钧一发的时刻.
15、My whole future was at stake.───我的未来吉凶未卜.
16、The tension was naturally high for a game with so much at stake.───对于一场成败攸关的比赛来说气氛自然非常紧张。
17、B: Of course he is. His honor is at stake.───他当然要否认. 他可能会信誉扫地.
18、How can you say anything is too much when you have everything at stake?───你怎么能在自己岌岌可危的时候说电话‘太多’了?
19、The life of the sick man is at stake.───病人的生命在危急中.
20、The family honour is at stake.───家族名声系于一线。
21、In the campaign preceding this election, serious issues were at stake.───投票前的竞选中, 对敏感问题的争论十分激烈.
22、Our homeland, the lives of our wives and children are at stake.───我们的国土家园, 我们的妻室儿女的生命,都在危急中.
23、People don't just knock one another off like this unless there's big money at stake.───如果不是为了冒险赚大钱,人们不会像这样彼此残杀。
24、stake is a place in the final.───便能进入决赛。
25、What, morally, is at stake?───道德上, 什么才是关键?
26、Such analysis is hard to do quickly , however, especially when vast sums at stake.───然而,这种分析难以快速完成, 尤其是大量投资处于风险之中时.
27、The Justice at Stake Compaign Campaign says candidates raised $ 168 , 000,000 between 2000 and 2007.───选举现金公平组织声称候选人在2000年到2007年间募集1.68亿美元.
28、At stake is the success or failure of world trade talks.───世界贸易谈判正处于成败的重要关头。
29、There was much at stake for Villarreal and the team's mentality was different.───在对阵比利亚雷亚尔的危急关头,队伍的精神面貌有所变化.
30、A lot of oil is at stake.───许多开采出来的原油都在运输上成问题.
31、Take care how you answer; for your life and salvation are at stake on it.───回答的时候你要慎重, 因为这关系到你的生死存亡.
1、salt intake───食盐摄入
2、rat snake───食鼠蛇
3、table stake───桌面筹码
4、at a stroke───一下子
5、heat stroke───中暑
6、grape stake───葡萄桩
8、to stake───支木柱
9、hat stand───帽架
过去式:staked; 过去分词:staked; 现在分词:staking; 复数形式:stakes; stake 基本解释
名词股份; 桩; 刑柱; (在公司、计划等中的)重大利益
及物动词用桩支撑; 以…下注[打赌]; 用桩区分,界分
stake 相关词组
1. at stake : 危如累卵, 在危险中;
2. stake out : 立桩标出, 监视;
stake 相关例句
1. I'd stake my all on it.