更新时间:2024-04-25 10:02作者:小编
英: 美:
1、Although the war does appear to be ending, the battle for Abidjan wrapping up now, there is still a mood of great uncertainty.───尽管战争似乎将要结束,争夺阿比让的战斗即将结束,人们依然怀着不安的情绪。
2、He spent the evening wrapping up the Christmas presents.───他花了一个晚上的时间把圣诞礼物都包了起来。
3、Hyundai is wrapping up a great sales year with nine top safety picks, the most of any automaker this year.───现代以九项最佳安全奖今年销量一路领先,成为今年销量最好的汽车厂商。
4、U.S. stock market is wrapping up what is likely to be its worst decade ever.───结束的这个十年,可能是美国股市历史上表现最差的十年。
5、Jury selection was wrapping up when the agreement was reached.───协议时,挑选陪审团成员的工作也已结束。
6、This one in Washington DC yesterday was a wrapping up of a three-week tour across the U. S.───昨天在华盛顿特区的这次是为期三周美国之旅的结束。
7、"I had to come up with a new idea, " he recalls. "Just wrapping up the business was not an option. "───他回忆道:“我必须找到新创意,单纯地结束业务不是我的选择。”
8、And Panama, with which Costa Rica is wrapping up free-trade negotiations, has itself concluded a similar deal with the United States.───还有巴拿马,当哥斯达黎加还在总结跟这个国家的自由贸易谈判时,人家已经和美国达成了类似的交易。
9、Year end is usually off the hook with all wrapping up activities and the exciting anticipation .───年底有各种各样的收尾工作和令人兴奋的期待,让人紧张不已。
1、tapping up───敲门叫醒;非法招募其他球队的球员
2、whipping up───激起;鞭打
3、propping up───v.支撑;支持
4、tripping up───绊倒;挑剔
5、cropping up───突然出现
6、lapping up───舔食;欣然接受
7、snapping up───抢购,匆匆吃下,抢先弄到手;锁键调节式
8、ramping up───倾斜升温(每单位时间之温度上升);产能提升;斜升
9、ripping up───撕碎,撕毁
wrap 英[ræp] 美[ræp] vt. 包; 缠绕; 用…包裹(或包扎、覆盖等); 掩护; n. 膝毯,披肩,围巾,围脖,头巾,罩衫,外套,大衣; 包装纸; 〈俚〉机密; vi. 缠绕,盘绕(通常与 over, around 等连用); 包上,裹上; 穿上(衣服等); [例句]Harry had carefully bought and wrapped presents for Mark to give them哈里精心购置了礼物又仔细包好,让马克交给他们。[其他] 第三人称单数:wraps 复数:wraps 现在分词:wrapping过去式:wrapped 过去分词:wrapped