
out of breath中文翻译,out of breath是什么意思,out of breath发音、用法及例句

更新时间:2024-04-25 10:05作者:小编

out of breath发音

英:  美:

out of breath中文意思翻译



out of breath双语使用场景

1、She was soon out of breath.───她很快就上气不接下气了.

2、She was slightly out of breath from running.───她跑过后有点上气不接下气。

3、Do you get out of breath?───您喘不上气 吗 ?

4、There she was, slightly out of breath from running.───她在那儿,跑得有点儿喘不过气来。

5、Eventually, out of breath, the trio stopped.───最后, 他们跑得上气不接下气了, 三人停了下来.

6、They reached the company out of breath only to be told they were fired.───他们上气不接下气地赶到公司,不料却被告知他们被开除了.

7、By the time I got to the top of the hill, I was quite out of breath.───等我爬到山顶的时候, 已经是上气不接下气了.

8、After climbing that long flight of stairs she was completely out of breath.───爬完这么长的一段楼梯后,她已完全喘不过气来了.

9、I can not believe I am out of breath just from climbing these stairs.───爬这么几步楼梯就喘不过气来,真是的.

10、The runner was all of a sweat and out of breath.───该长跑运动员一身大汗,呼吸急促.

11、But when I climbed the haft way, I was very'tired and quite out of breath.───但当我爬到一半时, 我累极了,上气不接下气.

12、She was soon out of breath, but she continued to run.───她很快就上气不接下气, 但她继续跑着.

13、His heart condition makes him short ( out ) of breath.───他心脏状况不佳使他呼吸急.

14、They appear out of breath.───他们好像喘不过气来了。

15、I have run myself out of breath.───我跑得上气不接下气.

16、He was already out of breath , by the time he arrived at the mountain top.───才爬到山顶, 他就已经气喘吁吁了.

17、We couldn't reach the bank. The harder we struggled, the more out of breath we be came.───我们到不了河岸. 我们挣扎得越厉害, 越是喘不过气来.

18、His wife was surprised to see him quite out of breath and asked him the reason.───他的妻子看到他上气不接下气的样子,很奇怪,就问他原因.

19、He spoke so fast that he was out of breath.───他说得那么快,都倒不过气来了.

20、I went home out of breath.───我上气不接下气地回家.

21、All the way tantivy, out of breath, run dripping wet.───一路快跑, 上气不接下气, 跑得大汗淋漓.

22、You should exercise more, you've already out of breath after completing such a small task.───你应该多锻炼锻炼了, 才干了这么点力气活就抽气得不行.

23、I got out of breath running up the hill from the station.───我从车站跑上山顶,连气都喘不上来了.

24、I'm out of breath – all this running lays me flat.───我喘不过气来——跑这么长一段路程使我很累.

25、When he darts behind, he were already out of breath.───当他急速跑回来时, 他已经是上气不接下气了.

26、She was out of breath from climbing the stairs.───爬楼梯使她上气不接下气的.

27、He is out of breath.───他已经喘不过气来了。

28、He ran for a mile and was out of breath.───她跑了一英里,跑得喘不过气来.

29、Climbing that hill has made me out of breath.───爬上这座山丘后我都快喘不过气来了.

30、He ran so fast that he was out of breath.───他跑得太快,气都喘不过来了.

31、John ran up out of breath.───约翰上气不接下气地跑过来了.

32、The best activities for stamina are fairly energetic; they need to get you slightly out of breath.───最能够锻炼耐力的是那些需要一定体能、能让人呼吸稍感急促的活动。

out of breath相似词语短语

1、out of your depth───非你所能理解;非你力所能及;在深得不能站立并呼吸的水中

2、out of the ark───离开方舟

3、out of date───过时的;过期的;废弃的

4、out of a hat───任意地

5、out of gear───失常;齿轮脱开;不工作的

6、out of print───绝版的;已绝版;已售完

7、short of breath───呼吸短促

8、be out of breath───上气不接下气

9、intake of breath───吸气

out of breath造句?

See words out of breath claiming the stairs




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