更新时间:2024-04-26 18:19作者:小编
英: 美:
1、Choosing not to do something helps us define who we are.───选择不要去做哪些界定我们是谁的事情.
2、Our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become.───我们的背景和环境可能会影响我们现在是什么样的人,但我们要对我们将来成为什么样的人负责。
3、Both genes and environment are significant in determining who we are? twins and non - twins alike.───无论是不是 双胞胎,性格的形成绝大部分取决于基因和环境.
4、The paths we chose will make us who we are.───我们所做的选择成就了今天的我们.
5、The world turns and we along , and that's what makes us who we are.───世界周而复始而我们亦步亦趋, 这就是我们的性命所在.
6、And be the word that tells us who we are.───因为你始终在我们心中告诉我们别怕.
7、It is what makes us who we are! And!───它,正如别人所说, 流淌 在我们的血液之中!
8、We can love what we are, without hating what -- and who -- we are not.───我们可以爱我们自己, 但不恨与我们不同的别人和别人的 东西.
9、We have to learn what we are, where we are, who we are.───我们应该知道我们是什么, 我们在哪里,我们是谁.
10、Wouldn't we be more productive if we could fully be who we are at work?───如果我们工作时完全就是我们自己,我们的工作效率是否会更高 呢 ?
11、We are who we are. And that's always changing.───我们就是我们自己. 时刻在变化.
12、These are not things that we seek to impose -- this is who we are.───这些不是我们谋求强加给人的东西, 而是 我们自己的民族特性.
13、The worth of our lives comes, not in what we do or who we know, but by who we ARE.───我们生活的价值不在于我们做了什么,或者我们认识谁,生活的价值在于我们是谁。
14、And interacting with one another is an important definition of our humanity, defines who we are.───人际之间的沟通是对我们人性的重要阐释, 阐释了我们是谁.
15、We don't know who we are and we have to find that.───我们不知道我们是谁和我们不得不发现那.
16、To fail successfully, we need to know who we are in Jesus.───要有成功的失败, 我们需要去知道我们在耶稣的身分.
17、Mary, who we are talking about earlier , has just walked in.───玛丽, 我们刚才还说她来著, 已经进来了.
1、to wear───穿
2、to weary───疲倦
3、the welfare───福利
4、to weave───编织
5、to ware───到仓库
6、white area───白色区域
7、here we are───我们在这(歌名)
who we are是说我们的名称是什么我们属于哪里,我们的身份是怎样的。一般是用名词说明。what we are是说我们是什么样的人,这可能用形容词或动词叙述。