更新时间:2024-04-30 15:14作者:小编
英: 美:
1、If you drive carefully, you'll be safe.───只要你小心驾驶,你就很安全。
2、To be safe, stick with prints designed specifically to complement one another.───为了慎重起见, 与特别设计的印花放在一起,效果更好.
3、The way to be safe is never to feel secure.───警惕才能安全.
4、The house was charmed, so they would be safe there.───这所房子有魔咒保护, 所以他们在那里是安全的.
5、I think it will be safe enough for you to add your confirmation to the credits.───你们对信用证加保兑肯定没问题.
6、Under these cliffs our soldiers will be safe from attack.───我们的战士在这些悬崖下面不会受到攻击的危险.
7、car be safe parked in the road?───车停在马路上安全吗?
8、There could be no question of treachery. The meeting would be safe as a wedding.───参加这样的会谈,就会像参加婚礼一样平安无事.
9、When the river dike is completed , the crops will be safe against floods.───修好河堤, 庄稼就不怕淹了.
10、To be safe you should go up a ladder one rung at a time.───为安全起见,登梯子时你应该一步一步往上爬.
11、We reached the safety of the river bank , ie a place where we would be safe.───我们到了河岸的安全地带.
12、And anyway, a simple chicken dinner isn't guaranteed to be safe.───并且无论如何, 人们也不能保证一顿简单的鸡肉晚餐就是绝对安全的.
13、We decided we would be safe on the top of the hill.───我们断定呆在山顶上是保险的.
14、Maybe we'd be safe from them near a lake or something.───也许我们到湖边什么的能平安无事.
15、We were lucky to be safe when the floodheads hit.───我们幸运地在洪峰袭击时是安全的.
16、To be safe, better not get too close, and the tribes.───要安全, 最好不要和部落的太近.
17、The use of stoneware cocks is not considered to be safe enough.───使用陶制的活栓,认为是不够安全的.
18、wouldn't be safe for him to be left to himself.───他一个人呆着不安全。
1、be seated───坐下;坐落于
2、be cast───被铸造
3、meat safe───肉类安全
4、be like───像…,相像
5、be sure───肯定;确信
6、feel safer───感觉安全吗
7、meat safes───肉类保险箱
safe是个形容词,safety是个名词。你可以参照下面两句: Make sure they are safe. Their main problem is safety.