更新时间:2024-04-30 21:47作者:小编
英: 美:
1、Every year's Harbin international automcbile exhibition, we can see many beautiful cars and beautiful girls.───近几年来,哈尔滨的国际车展越办越红火.在每年的车展上都能看到各国顶级的汽车, 也能看到很多中外美女.
2、Gloominess is the patent of beautiful girls.───周奔驰:忧郁是漂亮女孩的专利.
3、Teacher: That mea beautiful girls.───老师: 漂亮姑娘.
4、Oh, yes, there are many beautiful girls, and some are even fashionable.───噢,对了,这里有很多漂亮的姑娘,有的还很时尚。
5、There were all these beautiful girls.───身旁到处都是漂亮的女孩.
6、Some beautiful girls with biscuits come out. The pig smells them and wakes up.───一群美女手拿饼干出场. 八戒闻到香气醒来.
7、Teacher: That means beautiful girls.───老师:漂亮姑娘。
8、That story about three beautiful girls in a spacecraft is pure escapism.───那个讲三个漂亮姑娘在太空船内的故事是毫无现实意义的作品.
9、And there any other beautiful girls who love those gray hairs in your sideburns?───是否有别的美丽女子也爱上你鬓角的几丝白发 呢 ?
10、Molly: I think it is only for beautiful girls like Deborah Harry and me.───莫莉: 我认为金发只适合象德布拉和我一样美丽的女孩儿.
11、Do you have access to beautiful girls?───你能接近漂亮的女孩 吗 ?
12、Beautiful girls always seen to have lots of men dangling about.───漂亮姑娘似乎总有些男人追随.
13、And I an audition with 15 or so beautiful girls, because they were casting Latika.───我和15个或者,十分漂亮的女孩一起试镜, 她们都想扮演拉提娜.
14、He always stares lasciviously at beautiful girls passing by.───他总是用色迷迷的眼神看身边走过的漂亮女孩.
15、Harry has a way with him and seems to attract lots of beautiful girls.───哈里风度翩翩,似乎吸引着许多漂亮的女孩子.
16、Rooters are all beautiful girls full of vigour and vitality.───拉拉队里面都是漂亮的小姑娘,个个都朝气蓬勃的.
17、He was surrounded by a bevy of beautiful girls.───他被一大群漂亮姑娘围了起来.
1、beautiful people───美丽的人民,名流
2、beautiful beach───美丽的海滩
3、beautiful garden───美丽的花园
4、beautiful sight───美丽的景色
5、beautiful games───漂亮的游戏
6、beautiful peoples───美丽的人民,名流
7、beautiful island───美丽的岛屿
8、beautiful game───漂亮的游戏
9、beautiful face───美丽的脸庞
sean kingston - beautiful girls希望可以帮到你 也有可能是这个B.o.B 的 Nothin' On You ft. Bruno Mars