更新时间:2024-05-04 19:55作者:小编
英: 美:
扣套,扣环,定位环; 护环
1、In this paper, the method of pulsating hydraulic test to relief retaining ring stress is introduced.───本文介绍用油压脉动方法调整护环的宏观残余应力。
2、The retaining ring steel must be non - magnetic.───护环钢必须 是非 磁性钢.
3、Researching the statics and dynamics of the locomotive wheel added retaining ring.───扣环的机车轮对的静、动力学行为进行了研究。
4、Loosen scale retaining ring and remove turn indicator assembly.───松开刻度固定环,拆卸旋转指示器总成.
5、The retaining ring is an important component of turbogenerator.───护环是汽轮发电机的重要部件。
6、Reinstall turn indicator assembly. Scale retaining ring should be hand - tight Do not over tighten.───重新安装旋转指示器总成. 刻度固定环应该用手紧固.不要过紧.
7、Cogent made contribution to protect managing farmland retaining ring condition, drove the development of local economy.───切实为保护环境节约耕地做出了贡献, 推动了当地经济的发展.
3、wedding ring───结婚戒指
4、retaining rings───扣环
5、retaining wall───[建]挡土墙,拥壁;护岸
6、eternity ring───永恒戒
7、teething ring───n.(婴儿长牙时咬的)橡皮环;塑胶环
8、restraining orders───限制令
9、retaining walls───[建]挡土墙
retaining ring
中文意思:护环; 扣套,扣环,定位环;
Retrofit retaining ring on transmission.