
海外大学介绍-University of Bath 巴斯大学

更新时间:2024-06-06 19:18作者:小乐






巴斯大学于1966 年在巴斯Claverton Down 建立。我们是英格兰西南部的一所校园大学。巴斯距离伦敦仅有1小时25分钟火车车程。我们提供工程、人文、管理、科学和社会科学方面的课程。

巴斯大学于1966 年在巴斯克拉弗顿唐成立。它是英格兰西南部的一所独立校园大学。巴斯距离伦敦仅有1小时25分钟火车车程。

我们于1966 年获得皇家特许状,现已成为英国排名前10 的大学,以其卓越的研究和教学而享有盛誉。




我们有19,041 名学生就读。 32% 来自英国以外,代表147 个国家。我们有:



54% 男性学生



巴斯大学有19,041 名学生。 32% 来自英国以外的147 个国家。这些包括:

13,589 名本科生

5,452 名研究生

54% 男孩46% 女孩

0.1% 的人性别不确定


2019 年,89% 的英国全日制毕业生在大学毕业15 个月后从事高技能工作,而全国这一比例为72%

43% 的巴斯毕业生收入超过30,000 英镑,而全国这一比例为21%

我们是2020 年英国顶级毕业生雇主最青睐的20 所大学之一

在2017/18 学年完成课程的本科生中,大约65% 选择了出国实习或学习年的选择。在2021 年全国学生调查中,我们的学生总体满意度为86%。

我们的学生满意度得分超过90% 的院系有: 个







2019年,巴斯大学89%的全日制毕业生在大学毕业15个月后就从事高技能工作,而全国平均水平为72%,43%的巴斯大学毕业生收入超过3万英镑,而全国平均水平则为72%。以全国平均水平的21%,巴斯大学成为2020年英国顶尖毕业生雇主最关注的20所大学之一。2017/18学年完成课程的本科生中约有65%选择去出国交流或实习。 2021 年全国学生调查显示,学生总体满意度为86%。学生满意度超过90%的院系包括:建筑与土木工程、生物与生物化学、化学、教育、健康、药学与药学


2022 年《卫报大学指南》英国最佳大学排名第8 位

2022 年《泰晤士报》和《星期日泰晤士报》优秀大学指南综合排名第9 位

2022 年《完全大学指南》英国最佳大学排名第10

2022 年泰晤士高等教育“Table of Tables”排名第9 位

2021 年全国学生调查中学生总体满意度为86%




在2022 年《完全大学指南》中排名英国最佳大学第10 位

在2022 年泰晤士高等教育“表格表”中排名第9 位

2021 年全国学生调查中学生总体满意度为86%

2018 年泰晤士报高等教育学生体验调查中排名第四







第一栋建筑被称为“初步建筑”,于1965 年竣工。其余建筑大部分是在接下来的10 年内建造的,初步建筑成为“4 南”












化学工程系Department of Chemical Engineering



































项目是我们所有本科课程的重要组成部分。在头两年中,您将从事可拓展您的: 知识的项目


Python 和C 编程语言




项目是我们所有本科课程的重要组成部分,在前两年,您将通过微处理器、Python 和C 编程语言、电子控制和设计等领域的项目来发展您的基础知识。这为课程后面更高级的项目工作奠定了基础。在我们的工程硕士课程中,过去两年的第二学期致力于小组和个人项目,让您有时间充分发展您的想法并将其付诸实践。所有的实践。如果您正在攻读学士学位课程,您将在最后一年的第二学期完成小组和个人项目,亮点之一是有机会参加巴斯老鼠竞赛,在那里您将设计和建造一个迷你自我作为团队的一员驾驶汽车并将与其他学生竞争









您可以加入我们的学生竞赛团队之一,例如Team Bath Racing Electric (TBRe)、Bath Zero 摩托车赛车队或Team Bath Drones。您的团队将设计和构建产品,以与英国和世界各地的其他学生团队竞争。作为团队成员,您可以承担公众参与或品牌开发等各种角色。


projects in:submarine navigation systemssatelliteslaserswireless systemsglobal positioning systemsspeech therapy systems 我们的实验室设计类似于工业工作空间,您可以深入了解在专业环境中工作的感觉。我们的学生从事过以下项目:海底导航系统、卫星、激光器、无线系统、全球定位系统、语言治疗系统 Department of Mechanical Engineering 机械工程系Our MEng courses give you advancedengineering knowledge complemented by practical and transferable skills, andthe chance to gain professional experience during your degree. Find out moreabout our courses and read about our students' experiences.我们的课程提供先进的工程知识,辅以实用和可转移的技能,并有机会在学位期间获得专业经验 Our project work aims to balance whatyou've learnt with practical work. During your first two years you'll learnabout: workshop practice experimental methods data analysis prototype build of design projects common engineering machines During your degree, you'll work on: a spring-propelled dragster design project a design and build project engineering laboratory investigations modelling and simulation computer projects a group business and design project an inpidual project You could join one of our studentcompetition teams such as Team Bath Racing (TBR), Bath Zero motorcycleracing team or Team Bath Drones. Your team will design and build a productto compete against other student teams in the UK and worldwide. As a teammember, you can take on roles as varied as public engagement or branddevelopment. For their inpidual and group projects,some of our current and past students have worked on: formula student cars unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) Eco-marathon cars multi-terrain wheelchairs a solar-powered fridge a polypill machine 我们的项目工作旨在平衡您学到的知识与实际工作,在最初的两年中,您将了解:车间实践、实验方法、数据分析、设计项目的原型构建、普通工程机械。在第三年,你将把你的知识付诸实践,在攻读学位期间,您将从事以下工作:弹簧推进式拖曳设计项目、设计和建造项目、工程实验室调查、建模和模拟计算机项目、集团业务和设计项目、单个项目。我们的学生曾经从事以下工作:、方程式学生车、无人机、生态马拉松赛车、多地形轮椅、太阳能冰箱、塑料填充机 Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences人文与社会科学学院 Our teaching excellence and real-worldexperience encourage wider thinking. We help our students realise theirpotential and make a positive impact on society.我们的卓越教学和现实世界的经验鼓励更广泛的思维,我们帮助学生开发他们的潜力,并对社会产生积极影响 Department of Economics 经济系 We conduct high quality research andteaching in economics. Our graduates have excellent employment prospects due toour established industry placements scheme. We have grown from a Political EconomyGroup into a modern economics department whose research covers economic theory,econometrics, and finance. Our research informs the teaching on ourundergraduate and postgraduate courses. The industry-placements on ourundergraduate courses foster links with business and government, helping usachieve consistently high rankings in national league tables. 我们在经济学方面进行高质量的研究和教学,得益于我们的实习计划,我们的毕业生具有良好的就业前景。我们已经从一个政治经济学小组发展成为一个现代经济学系,研究涵盖经济理论,计量经济学和金融学。我们本科课程的行业安置促进了与企业和政府的联系,帮助我们在全国排行榜上取得持续的高排名 Department of Education 教育系 We conduct research and teach courses tofurther our understanding of a range of education-related issues nationally andinternationally. The study of education enables us toidentify and challenge its purposes, practices and functions in differentcontexts. 我们进行研究和开设课程,以进一步了解并解决国内和国际上一系列与教育相关的问题。教育研究使我们能够在不同的背景下识别和挑战其目的,实践和功能 Department for Health 健康系 We deliver highly-rated courses in sport,exercise and health, alongside research to promote wellbeing and enhancefunctional performance. 学生可以在这里学习运动,运动和健康相关的专业知识,我们提供高质量的运动,运动和健康课程,以及促进健康和增强功能表现的研究 Departmentof Politics, Languages & International Studies 政治,语言与国际研究系 We offer a range of undergraduate andpostgraduate degrees spanning politics, languages, economics, internationalstudies and interpreting. 我们提供一系列本科和研究生学位,涵盖政治,语言,经济学,国际研究和口译领域 Department of Psychology 心理学系 A large and growing team of staff offersexpertise in a broad spectrum of psychology topics, which allows our studentsto work across traditional boundaries. Our degrees provide you with a solid groundingacross the psychology discipline, with particular focus on cognitive, health,social and clinical psychology. Gain a solid foundation in systemic theory,practice and research, and develop systemic skills you can use in your own worksetting. We are investigating the impact ofcognitive response styles on subjective feelings of stress and mentalresources.We are seeking participants with or withouttrauma history to take part in a study about the effects of trauma and PTSD onmultisensory emotion processing.This study will research and evaluate howthe pandemic has changed young people's habits and choices, with a view toshaping their future lifestyles. 一个庞大且不断壮大的教学团队提供广泛的心理学主题的专业知识,这使我们的学生能够跨越传统界限。我们的课程为您提供了跨心理学学科的坚实基础,特别关注认知,健康,社会和临床心理学。在系统理论,实践和研究方面获得坚实的基础,并培养您可以在自己的工作环境中使用的系统技能。 Department of Social & Policy Sciences 社会与政策科学系 One of the UK's leading centres for socialsciences, we offer degrees in sociology, social policy, social work,international development and criminology. Study sociology, social policy, socialwork, international development and criminology Find out about our undergraduate andpostgraduate degrees, funding opportunities and how you can apply. About the Department of Social & PolicySciences With a reputation for cutting-edge researchand innovative teaching, we focus on international development, social policyand death studies, and offer undergraduate and postgraduate degrees insociology, social policy and international development. Academic staff provide learning experiencesincluding tutorials, debates, seminars, guided reading, online discussiongroups, placements and lectures. 作为英国领先的社会科学中心之一,我们提供社会学,社会政策,社会工作,国际发展和犯罪学学位,凭借尖端研究和创新教学的声誉,我们专注于国际发展,社会政策和死亡研究,并提供社会学,社会政策和国际发展的本科和研究生学位,我们通过提供学习体验,包括教程,辩论,研讨会,指导阅读,在线讨论组,安置和讲座来全面提升学生的能力 Faculty of Science 理学院 World-leading research and flexible coursesin biosciences, chemistry, computer science, mathematics, natural sciences,pharmacy, pharmacology and physics. The Faculty of Science is the largestfaculty in the University with over 3,500 undergraduate students, 650postgraduate students and more than 300 academic and research staff.我们提供世界领先的研究和灵活的课程,包括生物科学,化学,计算机科学,数学,自然科学,药学,药理学和物理学。理学院是大学最大的学院,拥有超过3,500名本科生,650名研究生和300多名学术和研究人员 Department of Biology & Biochemistry 生物与生物化学系 Our specialisms include cell &developmental biology, biotechnology, infection & immunity and evolutionarybiology & biopersity. Our research is internationally acclaimed withgroups covering cell and developmental biology, evolution and biopersity,infection and immunity and medical and industrial biotechnology.我们的专长包括细胞和发育生物学,生物技术,感染与免疫以及进化生物学和生物多样性。我们的研究在国际上享有盛誉,其组别涵盖细胞和发育生物学,进化和生物多样性,感染和免疫以及医学和工业生物技术 5 reasons to study biosciences at Bath 在巴斯学习生物科学的5个理由 From a great student experience to graduatejob prospects, there are lots of reasons to study biosciences at Bath. Here areour top 5. 1. Gain a broad foundation and specialiselater in your course Whichever course you choose, in the firstyear you’ll gain a foundation in biosciences through a set of core units. 2. Year-long work placement Take advantage of our strong links withindustry and go on a placement as part of your studies. 3. Excellent job prospects All of our courses will equip you with theknowledge and skills you need to embark on a successful career in thebiosciences. 4. Taught by top researchers with top facilities Our staff are active researchers in theirfield. 5. Highly ranked university We are a top 10 UK university with areputation for research and teaching excellence. 从良好的学生体验到毕业生的就业前景,有很多理由在巴斯学习生物科学,以下是我们的前5名。 1. 获得广泛的基础,并在课程后期专攻,无论您选择哪种课程,在第一年,您将通过一系列核心单元获得生物科学基础 2. 为期一年的工作安排,利用我们与行业的紧密联系,实习成为并作为学习的一部分 3. 优秀的就业前景,我们所有的课程都将提供在生物科学领域取得成功的职业生涯所需的知识和技能 4. 由拥有顶级设施的顶尖研究人员授课,我们的员工是各自领域的活跃研究人员 5. 排名靠前的大学,我们是英国前十的大学,以卓越的研究和教学而闻名 Departmentof Chemistry 化学系 We offer undergraduate and postgraduatecourses and have a reputation for excellence in teaching, research andinnovation. This successful, well-equipped and supportive department offers anexceptional environment for teaching, learning and research. In the last Research Excellence Framework(REF 2014), chemistry research at Bath – targeted at solving globalchallenges such as energy, healthcare, functional materials and sustainability– was judged to be amongst the best in the UK. 我们提供本科和研究生课程,化学系在教学,研究和创新方面享有卓越的声誉。这个成功,装备精良的部门为教学,学习和研究提供了一个特殊的环境。在上一个卓越研究框架(REF 2014)中,巴斯的化学研究:旨在解决能源,医疗保健,功能材料和可持续性等全球挑战,被评为英国最好的化学研究机构之一 Departmentof Computer Science 计算机科学系 Our highly-ranked department offersexcellent graduate prospects and strong links to industry. Join us in asupportive, well-equipped and creative environment to help you reach your fullpotential. You'll develop a sound knowledge base and a range of skills that arevaluable to a career in computer science. We offer undergraduate and postgraduatedegrees covering a range of computer science specialisms. Our degrees offerexcellent career prospects. You can go on a placement as part of most of ourdegrees to gain real-world work experience while earning a salary. 我们排名靠前的部门提供优秀的毕业生前景和与行业的紧密联系,加入我们,在一个支持性强,装备精良和富有创造力的环境中帮助您充分发挥潜力,您将获得开发良好的知识库和一系列对计算机科学职业有价值的技能,我们提供涵盖一系列计算机科学专业的本科和研究生学位,我们的学位提供了良好的职业前景,您可以作为我们大多数学位的一部分进行实习,以获得实际工作经验,同时获得薪水 Departmentof Mathematical Sciences 数学科学系 We are an internationally recognisedmathematics research department with excellence in teaching at all levels. We train the future generation ofinterdisciplinary mathematicians, working at the interface of statistics withapplied and computational mathematics. About the Department of MathematicalSciences Teaching expertise in the Department isbacked by our teams' strong involvement in research across pure and appliedmathematics, statistics and probability. In the 2014 Research Excellence Framework(REF), 88% of our research was rated world leading or internationallyexcellent. 我们是国际公认的出色的数学研究部门,在各个层面的教学中都表现出色。我们培养下一代跨学科数学家,在统计学与应用和计算数学的领域工作 Research Groups 研究领域 Algebra, geometry, and number theory We research equations and shapes, and theirassociated properties, structures, symmetries, and arithmetic. Analysis We study the notion of limit, and theinfinite and the infinitesimal. Applied and interdisciplinary mathematics Our research includes industrialmathematics, mathematical biology, networks and continuum mechanics of solidsand fluids. Numerical analysis and scientific computing Research in numerical analysis at Bathencompasses a wide spectrum of modern topics. Probability Our research spans the whole of modernprobability. Statistics We specialise in environmental and epidemiologicalstatistics, sequential clinical trials, Bayesian statistics, smoothing andfunctional data analysis. 代数、几何和数论 我们研究方程式和几何图形,以及它们的相关属性、结构、对称性和算术 分析 我们研究极限的概念,以及无限大和无穷小之间的关系 应用和跨学科数学 我们的研究包括固体和流体的工业数学,数学生物学,网络和连续介质力学 数值分析和科学计算 巴斯的数值分析研究涵盖了广泛的现代主题 概率 我们的研究涵盖了整个现代概率 统计学 我们专注于环境和流行病学统计,顺序临床试验,贝叶斯统计,平滑和功能数据分析 NaturalSciences 自然科学 Our Natural Sciences courses offer aspecial environment for studying several sciences alongside studentsspecialising in their subject. You’ll be able to study across the subjectsof biology, biochemistry, chemistry, pharmacology and physics. Use the courseselection tool to design your perfect course or download the course selectionguide. 我们的自然科学课程为与专门从事其学科的学生一起学习多种科学提供了特殊的环境,您将能够学习生物学,生物化学,化学,药理学和物理学等科目 5 reasons to study natural sciences at Bath在巴斯学习自然科学的5个理由 1. Choose your own direction Natural sciences is multidisciplinary, soyou’ll be able to study across the subjects of biology, biochemistry,chemistry, environmental science, pharmacology and physics. 2. Go on a year-long work placement Placements are a great way to help withyour career choices, build your network and experience the world. 3. Increase your career opportunities Studying natural sciences prepares you fora wide variety of careers. Here are just some of the jobs our recentgraduates have gone on to: Climate Change Policy Advisor Research Officer Medical Writer Headteacher Pilot Creative Director Software Engineer Lecturer Police Officer Well-known companies and institutionsthey're working at include: Proctor & Gamble University of Victoria Cancer Research UK Dyson BP BBC AstraZeneca 4. Great support throughout your studies You'll have the same support network as anysingle honours students. 5. Be part of world-leading research With access to staff from many differentdepartments, and our relaxed, open-door policy, you'll benefit from the wideranging research carried out by our academics.1. 选择自己的方向,自然科学是多学科的,因此您将能够学习生物学,生物化学,化学,环境科学,药理学和物理学等科目2. 进行为期一年的工作实习,实习是帮助您选择职业、建立人际网络和体验世界的好方法3. 增加您的职业机会 学习自然科学可以让你为各种各样的职业做好准备,以下是我们最近的毕业生继续从事的一些工作:气候变化政策顾问、研究主任、医学作家、校长、飞行员、创意总监、软件工程师、讲师、警官,他们工作的公司和机构包括:宝洁、维多利亚大学、英国癌症研究中心、戴森、英国石油公司、英国广播公司、阿斯利康4.在整个学习过程中提供大力支持,您将拥有强大的支持网络5. 成为世界领先研究的一部分,通过接触来自许多不同部门的员工,以及我们宽松,开放的政策,您将受益于我们的学者进行的广泛研究自然科学系还有一个很好玩的工具,对于一些对未来选择有困难的学生,可以通过自己的ALEVEL选择的科目和成绩来对应相关专业 Departmentof Pharmacy & Pharmacology 药学与药理学系 Our internationally recognised centre ofexcellence covers all the skills you'll need to develop and prescribe medicinalproducts. Pharmacy courses offer training in the scientific design and clinicaluse of medicines. Pharmacology courses study the effects of drugs on the bodyand learn how to develop effective treatments. Train as a healthcare professional in allaspects of medicines use and design.Learn how to develop effective treatmentsfor both human and animal diseases.Gain knowledge and practical skills in drugdiscovery science from target identification through to getting a drug tomarket. About the Department of Pharmacy &Pharmacology Ranked top 10 for pharmacy and pharmacologyin the Guardian University Guide 2022. Pharmacy teaching is patient-focused, viastrong relationships with hospitals and practising pharmacy professionals. Ourlinks with industry mean we offer outstanding placement opportunities. In pharmacology we train students todevelop a broad knowledge and skills base in preparation for a career as aresearch scientist or in pharmaceutical development. 我们受到国际认可的药学和药剂学系的课程涵盖了您开发和处方医药产品所需的所有技能,药学课程提供药物科学设计和临床使用的培训,药理学课程研究药物对身体的影响,并学习如何开发有效的治疗方法.在药物使用和设计的各个方面接受医疗保健专业人员的培训,了解如何为人类和动物疾病开发有效的治疗方法,获得药物发现科学的知识和实践技能,从靶标识别到将药物推向市场 5reasons to study pharmacy at Bath 在巴斯学习药学的5个理由 1. Excellent job prospects Studying pharmacy with us gives you a widechoice of career options. 2. See the world by going on a placementabroad Our overseas placements are one of thereasons students choose to come and study at Bath. 3. Be prepared for the real world You'll be using purpose-built scientificand clinical teaching facilities. 4. Taught by top researchers with topfacilities Our staff are active researchers in theirfield. Our research is spread across three key themes: Drug and target discovery Medicines design Health and clinical research 5. Strong links with employers We've got strong links to thepharmaceutical industry, NHS providers and leading community pharmacycompanies. 1. 良好的就业前景,与我们一起学习药学为您提供了广泛的职业选择 2. 通过出国实习来看世界,我们的海外实习是学生选择来巴斯学习的原因之一 3. 为现实世界做好准备,您将使用专门建造的科学和临床教学设施 4. 由拥有顶级设施的顶尖研究人员授课,我们的员工是各自领域的活跃研究人员,我们的研究涵盖三个关键主题:药物和靶点发现,药品设计,健康和临床研究 5. 与雇主的紧密联系,我们与制药行业,NHS提供商和领先的制药公司有着密切的联系 Department of Physics 物理系 The courses we offer are complemented byour inspirational research programmes in physics and astrophysics. Our broadselection of courses satisfy a wide range of interests, preparing students notonly for a career in physics but many other fields as well. Our persity as a department is reflectedthrough the variety of research conducted by our seven research groups andcentres encompassing physics on the smallest nanoscales to the mostenergetic processes in the Universe.我们提供的课程与我们在物理学和天体物理学方面的鼓舞人心的研究计划相辅相成,我们广泛的课程选择满足了广泛的兴趣,不仅为学生的物理学职业做好准备,还为许多其他领域做好准备。我们作为一个部门的多样性反映在我们的七个研究小组和中心进行的各种研究中,包括从最小的纳米尺度到宇宙中能量最高的过程的物理学 School of Management 巴斯大学商学院 Accounting, Finance & Law Marketing, Business & Society Information, Decisions & Operations Strategy & Organisation We offer a range of business degrees. Studywith us to enjoy great teaching and the latest research thinking. Study with usto enjoy great teaching and the latest research thinking. Kick-start yourcareer and discover a new side to business. We are a leading UK businessschool. But we don’t want to stop there. Building on over half a century ofexperience, we’re working on plans to help us inspire and innovate for the next50 years and beyond.我们提供一系列商业课程,与我们一起学习,享受伟大的教学和最新的研究思维,开始您的职业生涯,发现商业的的新一面。我们是一所领先的英国商学院,但我们不想止步于此。基于半个多世纪的经验,我们正在制定计划,以帮助我们在未来50年及以后激发和创新 Theeconomic impact of the University 大学的经济影响 An independent analysis of the economiccontribution the University makes to the UK and the local community. Their findings show the University makes asignificant economic impact at both national and local level. In B&NESalone, the University contributed £294 million to the local economy during2014/15, representing 6.2% of the total economic output of the region. Duringthe same period, the value of each additional student to the area was £9,560,further supporting economic growth. The estimated contribution to UK GDP was£352.2 million. The report estimates that in 2014/15 nearly5,850 jobs in B&NES were supported by the University, our students and ourvisitors. The University itself employed 3,031 people in 2014/15 across a broadspectrum of jobs, paying salaries above the national average, making it thesecond largest employer in the area after the Royal United Hospital. The reporthighlights the University's track record of providing secure jobs for localemployees. One in every 17 jobs in the district was in some way dependent onus. 大学对英国和当地社区的经济做出了重大贡献,研究结果表明,大学在国家和地方层面都产生了重大的经济影响。仅在B&NES大学在2014/15年度就为当地经济贡献了2.94亿英镑,占该地区经济总产出的6.2%。在同一时期,该地区每增加一名学生的价值为9,560英镑,预估对英国GDP的贡献为3.522亿英镑 该报告估计,在2014/15年度,B&NES有近5,850个工作岗位得到了大学,我们的学生和访客的支持。该大学本身在2014/15年度雇用了3,031人,从事广泛的工作,工资高于全国平均水平,使其成为该地区仅次于皇家联合医院的第二大雇主。该报告强调了大学为当地员工提供安全工作的良好记录。该地区每17个工作岗位中就有一个在某种程度上依赖于巴斯大学 2016年是巴斯大学成立五十周年的日子,巴斯大学对大学的发展进行了回顾 ——END—— 用尽你所有的希望,成为你向往的模样 愚言纪-一个笨人的坚持和感悟




2024-06-06 19:18



2024-06-06 19:17


探访“澡大”在英国英格兰南部有一个叫巴斯(Bath)的小镇,巴斯小镇上有所大学叫巴斯大学(University of Bath),被在这里读书的熊孩子调皮得称之为“澡大”。表示很为巴斯大学感到委屈,人家才不是澡堂子呢!不过也可以理解了,学生

2024-06-06 19:17



2024-06-06 19:16


来源:东方网CATS UK 剑桥文理学校英国校本部将在11月举办年度大学见面会,作为CATS Colleges剑桥文理学校集团的一份子,CATS China剑桥文理学校中国中心的所有学生,都可以预约与这些大学招生办进行一对一沟通。本年度大学

2024-06-06 19:16

2024QS世界大学排名中,表现惊艳的6所英国大学,qs 2022 英国


2024-06-06 19:15
