

更新时间:2024-01-06 06:09作者:小编



1. Tuition: This is the most common and straightforward way to express "学费" in English. It refers to the fee that students pay for attending a school or university.

2. Fees: This term is often used interchangeably with "tuition" and includes any additional charges such as registration fees, activity fees, or technology fees.

3. Cost of Attendance: This refers to the total amount of money a student needs to cover for their education, including tuition, room and board, books, and other living expenses.

4. Tuition and Fees: Some institutions may combine both tuition and fees into one category when listing the cost of attendance.

5. Expenses: This is a more general term that can include all costs associated with studying abroad, including tuition, accommodation, transportation, and personal expenses.

6. Educational Expenses: Similar to "expenses," this term encompasses all costs related to education, including tuition and other fees.

7. Tuition Fee/Fee Structure: These terms are often used when discussing the breakdown of tuition and fees for a specific program or course.

8. Payment/Installment Plan: Many schools offer payment plans where students can pay their tuition in smaller installments over a period of time instead of one lump sum.

9. Scholarship/Aid/Grant: These terms refer to financial assistance provided by schools or organizations to help cover the cost of education for students who meet certain criteria.

10. Financial Aid Package: This includes all forms of financial assistance offered to a student, such as scholarships, grants, loans, or work-study programs.

11. Out-of-State/International Tuition: For students studying in a different state or country from their home residence, they may be required to pay higher tuition fees than in-state residents.

12. Full-Time/Part-Time Tuition: Depending on the number of credits taken per semester or quarter, students may be charged different amounts for tuition.

13. Non-Resident/Resident Tuition: Similar to out-of-state tuition, this refers to the difference in tuition fees for students who are not residents of the state or country where the institution is located.

14. Stipend: This is a fixed amount of money given to students, usually as part of a scholarship or fellowship, to cover living expenses while studying.

15. Financial Obligation: This term refers to the total amount of money a student is responsible for paying towards their education, including tuition, fees, and any other expenses


1. Understanding the Terminology


- 学费:tuition fee

- 学杂费:miscellaneous fee

- 住宿费:accommodation fee

- 生活费:living expenses

- 奖学金:scholarship

2. Contacting the School or Agency


3. Introduction and Inquiry


Dear [School/Agency Name],

My name is [Your Name] and I am interested in applying to your school for [Program Name]. I have been researching about your school and I am impressed by the quality of education and opportunities you offer. However, before making my final decision, I would like to inquire about the tuition fees and other related expenses.

4. Specific Questions to Ask


- What is the total tuition fee for the program?

- Are there any additional fees or expenses that I should be aware of?

- Do you offer any scholarships or financial aid for international students?

- Can you provide information about the cost of on-campus and off-campus accommodation options?

- Are there any part-time job opportunities for students to help with living expenses?

5. Polite Closing

Thank you for taking the time to read my email. I appreciate your help in providing me with the necessary information. I look forward to hearing back from you soon.


[Your Name]

6. Making a Phone Call




首先,我们要明确一些基本的词汇。学费在英文中叫做"tuition fee",而留学生则被称为"international student"。当然,如果你想要询问具体的费用标准,可以使用"cost of tuition"或者"tuition expenses"这样的表达。

接下来,我们来看看如何提出问题。如果你想要了解学校的学费情况,可以这样问:"Excuse me, can you tell me the tuition fees for international students?"(请问,能告诉我留学生的学费是多少吗?)或者直接问:"How much is the tuition fee for international students?"(留学生的学费是多少?)

除了直接询问外,还可以使用更礼貌的方式来询问。比如说:"Could you please provide me with information on the cost of tuition for international students?"(能否请您提供一下留学生的学费信息?)或者是:"I'm interested in knowing the tuition expenses for international students. Could you give me some details on that?"(我想了解一下留学生的学费情况,请问能给我一些细节吗?)

如果你想要了解学费的支付方式,可以这样问:"How can I pay for the tuition fee?"(我该如何支付学费?)或者是:"Are there any payment options available for the tuition fee?"(学费有哪些支付方式可选?)同时,你也可以询问关于奖学金或助学金的信息,比如:"Are there any scholarships or financial aid options for international students?"(有没有针对留学生的奖学金或助学金?)



1. 询问奖学金信息


- Can you provide information about scholarships for international students?

- Are there any scholarships available for international students?

- How can I apply for a scholarship?

2. 询问助学金信息


- Can I get financial aid from the school?

- Is there any financial assistance available for international students?

- How can I apply for financial aid?

3. 理解奖助学金条件


- Can you explain the eligibility requirements for this scholarship/financial aid?

- What are the criteria for applying for this scholarship/financial aid?

- Are there any specific requirements I need to meet in order to be considered for this scholarship/financial aid?

4. 请求更多信息


- Can you provide me with more details about this scholarship/financial aid?

- Is there a website or brochure where I can find more information about scholarships and financial aid opportunities?

- Do you have any additional resources or contacts that can help me learn more about scholarships and financial aid?


1. 学费支付方式


1.1 现金支付:这是最直接的支付方式,学生可以用现金直接支付学费。但是,在某些国家,使用现金可能不太方便或被认为不安全。

1.2 银行转账:这是比较常见的支付方式,学生可以通过银行转账将学费汇入学校指定的账户。这种方式需要提前办理好汇款手续并确保汇款信息准确无误。

1.3 信用卡支付:许多国家的大学都接受信用卡支付学费。通过信用卡支付可以方便快捷地完成交易,但需要注意手续费和汇率等问题。

2. 注意事项


2.1 了解汇率:如果使用外币进行支付,建议提前了解当地货币的汇率,并选择最划算的时间进行汇款。

2.2 留意手续费:不同的支付方式可能会收取不同数额的手续费,因此在选择时需要考虑手续费对总金额的影响。

2.3 确认汇款信息:无论选择哪种支付方式,都需要确保汇款信息准确无误,避免因为错误的账户信息导致汇款失败或延迟。

2.4 咨询学校:如果对支付方式有任何疑问,建议及时咨询学校的国际学生办公室或财务部门,以免造成不必要的麻烦。






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2024-01-06 06:07


新西兰留学课程 1. 大学课程:新西兰有八所大学,每所大学都有自己的优势专业。课程涵盖了从文学、商学、工程学、医学到艺术等各个领域。学生可以根据自己的兴趣和职业

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