

更新时间:2024-01-06 06:23作者:小编







1. Carousel


2. Merry-go-round


3. Roundabout


4. Carousel ride


5. Flying horses



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1. Carousel - 这是最常见的表达方式,直接翻译为“旋转木马”,简单明了。

2. Merry-go-round - 这个短语也可以用来指代旋转木马,它的意思是“快乐的转圈游戏”,更有趣一些。

3. Roundabout - 这个词本身的意思是“绕圈子”,但在英美口语中也可以用来指代旋转木马。

4. Carousel ride - 这个短语可以表示“旋转木马游乐设施”。

5. Flying horses - 在一些主题公园中,旋转木马上的动物形象可能不仅仅是马,还有其他动物,所以你也可以用这个短语来指代旋转木马。

6. Horse roundabout - 这个词组比较幽默,结合了“horse”(马)和“roundabout”(绕圈子),形象地描述了旋转木马。

7. Whirligig - 这个词本身的意思是“风车”,但也可以用来表示旋转木马。它带有一种欢快的感觉,很适合描述这种儿童游乐设施。

8. Spinning carousel - “spinning”表示“旋转”,加上carousel就能清楚地表达出旋转木马的意思。

9. Roundabout horse - 这个词组比较直接地描述了旋转木马上的动物形象,也可以用来指代旋转木马。

10. Rotating merry-go-round - 这个短语结合了“rotating”(旋转)和“merry-go-round”,表达出旋转木马的意思。


1. "Riding the Carousel" - 这是最常见的表达方式,直接表达乘坐旋转木马的动作。

例:"I love riding the carousel at the amusement park. It's so much fun!"

2. "Taking a Spin on the Merry-Go-Round" - 这种表达方式更加形象生动,可以用来形容旋转木马的运动。

例:"The children were taking a spin on the merry-go-round, laughing and screaming with joy."

3. "Going Round and Round on the Carousel" - 这种表达方式也可以用来描述旋转木马的运动,更加贴近实际情况。

例:"We spent hours going round and round on the carousel, enjoying the beautiful view of the park."

4. "Enjoying a Ride on the Carousel" - 这是一个简单而又有趣的表达方式,可以用来描述乘坐旋转木马的体验。

例:"I had a great time enjoying a ride on the carousel with my friends."

5. "Spinning Around on the Carousel" - 这种表达方式也可以用来形容旋转木马带来的快乐和兴奋。

例:"The kids were spinning around on the carousel, their laughter filling up the whole park."


1. Carousel: This is the most common term used to describe a rotating amusement ride with seats for riders. It can also refer to a set of images or slides that rotate on a website or presentation.

2. Merry-go-round: This is another term for a carousel, often used in British English. It can also refer to a children's playground equipment with rotating seats.

3. Roundabout: This term is commonly used in British English to describe a carousel, but it can also refer to a circular road junction where traffic moves in one direction around a central island.

4. Ferris wheel: This is another type of amusement ride that rotates on an axis, but instead of moving up and down like a carousel, it moves in a circular motion.

5. Whirligig: This is an informal term for a carousel, often used by children.

6. Rotating platform: This term can be used to describe the mechanism on which the seats of the carousel are attached and rotate.

7. Revolving ride: This is a general term that can be used to describe any type of amusement ride that rotates or revolves.

8. Spinning ride: Similar to revolving ride, this term can be used to describe any type of amusement ride that involves spinning or rotating movements.

9. Roundabout horse: In some countries, such as Germany and Austria, carousels are referred to as "roundabout horses" due to the traditional horse-shaped seats.

10. Ride rotation speed: This refers to the speed at which the carousel rotates or spins, usually measured in revolutions per minute (RPM).

11. Ride duration: This refers to how long the carousel ride lasts before it stops and allows riders to get off.

12. Gondola: Some carousels have gondola-style seats instead of horses or other animals, similar to those found on Ferris wheels or ski lifts.

13. Centrifugal force: This is the outward force that keeps riders in their seats as the carousel rotates.

14. Anti-clockwise: This term can be used to describe the direction in which the carousel rotates, often used in British English instead of "counterclockwise."

15. Carnival ride: This is a general term for any type of amusement ride found at a carnival or fair, including carousels.

16. Amusement park attraction: This term can be used to describe any type of ride or activity found at an amusement park, including carousels.

17. Revolve: This is a verb that means to rotate or spin around an axis, often used to describe the movement of a carousel.

18. Spin: Similar to revolve, this verb also means to rotate or turn quickly around an axis.

19. Rotate: Another verb that can be used to describe the movement of a carousel, meaning to turn or move in a circular motion around an axis.

20. Ride operator: This refers to the person who operates and controls the carousel ride, ensuring the safety and enjoyment of riders.

21. Carousel music: Many carousels have traditional music playing while they rotate, adding to the overall experience and atmosphere.

22. Horse-drawn carousel: In the past, carousels were powered by horses walking in circles, hence the name "carousel." Today, they are powered by motors and gears but may still feature horse-shaped seats as a nod to their history.

23. Fairground ride: Similar to carnival ride, this term refers to any type of amusement ride found at a fair or festival.

24. Thrill ride: Some carousels may have faster speeds or more intense movements than traditional ones, making them more thrilling rides for those seeking an adrenaline rush.

25. Family-friendly ride: On the other hand, some carousels may be slower and gentler for young children and families to enjoy together.

26. Carousel ride experience: This refers to the overall feeling and enjoyment one gets from riding a carousel, including the sights, sounds, and physical sensations.

27. Carousel horse figurine: These are small replicas of carousel horses that can be collected as souvenirs or used as decorations.

28. Riding the carousel: This is a common phrase used to describe the act of getting on and enjoying a carousel ride.

29. Roundabout ride: This term can be used interchangeably with carousel or merry-go-round, but it can also refer to a playground equipment with rotating seats.

30. Carrousel: This is an alternative spelling of "carousel," often used in French and Dutch

旋转木马是一种受欢迎的游乐设施,它能给人们带来快乐和刺激。在英语中,我们可以用carousel、merry-go-round等词汇来表达它。除此之外,还有一些常用的短语如ride the carousel、take a spin on the merry-go-round等。在使用这些表达方式时,要注意正确的语境和语法,避免出现错误。作为网站的小编,我也是一位英语爱好者,在这里分享给大家关于旋转木马的英文表达方式,并希望能够为大家提供帮助。如果你对旋转木马感兴趣,不妨来我们网站一起体验吧!让我们一起骑上旋转木马,在欢笑中享受美好时光!



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