

更新时间:2024-03-27 15:38作者:小编



1. 提升交流能力


2. 增加口语表达能力


3. 加深对英文文化的理解

通过学习常用的英语短语,我们也可以了解更多关于英文文化背后所蕴含的含义。比如“break a leg”这个短语在西方国家表示祝福,但并非字面意思是“折断一条腿”,而是代表着“祝你成功”。掌握这些短语还可以让我们更加深入地了解当地文化,避免因文化差异而引发的误解。

4. 提高学习效率


5. 增强自信心




1. Hello!/Hi! - 你好!

2. Good morning/afternoon/evening - 早上/下午/晚上好

3. How are you? - 你好吗?

4. I'm fine, thank you. And you? - 我很好,谢谢。你呢?

5. Nice to meet you! - 很高兴见到你!

6. What's your name? - 你叫什么名字?

7. My name is.../I am... - 我的名字是…/我是…

8. Where are you from? - 你来自哪里?

9. I'm from... - 我来自…

10. How old are you? - 你多大了?

11. I'm...years old. - 我…岁了。

12. What do you study? - 你学什么专业?

13. I study.../I am a student of...- 我学习…/我是…的学生。

14. Can you help me, please? - 请问可以帮我吗?

15. Sorry, I don't understand./Can you repeat that, please? - 对不起,我不明白。请再说一遍好吗?


1. Could you explain that, please? - 能解释一下吗?

2. What does this word mean? - 这个单词是什么意思?

3. Can I borrow your notes/textbook/pencil, etc.? - 我可以借用你的笔记/教科书/铅笔等吗?

4. I don't understand this lesson. - 我不懂这节课。

5. Can you help me with my homework? - 你可以帮我做作业吗?

6. I have a question. - 我有一个问题。

7. Can you explain it again, please? - 你能再解释一遍吗?

8. I need some help with this assignment. - 我需要在这个作业上得到帮助。

9. Could you give me some tips on how to study better? - 你能给我一些如何学习更好的建议吗?

10. I'm having difficulty understanding this concept. - 我对这个概念理解困难。


1. What are your plans for the weekend? - 你周末有什么计划?

2. Do you want to hang out/go out for dinner, etc.? - 你想一起出去玩/去吃饭,等等吗?

3. Let's grab a coffee/lunch/dinner, etc.! - 让我们一起喝杯咖啡/吃顿午餐/晚餐,等等!

4. What do you like to do in your free time? - 你在空闲时间喜欢做什么?

5. Do you want to join our group for the event/party, etc.? - 你想加入我们参加活动/聚会,等等吗?

6. Can I have your contact information? - 我可以有你的联系方式吗?

7. Let's keep in touch! - 让我们保持联系!

8. Have a good day/weekend! - 祝你有美好的一天/周末!

9. It was nice meeting you! - 很高兴认识你!

10. See you later/tomorrow! - 再见/明天见!


1. Can you recommend any good places to visit? - 你能推荐一些值得去的好地方吗?

2. How do I get to...? - 我怎么去…?

3. Where is the nearest bus/train station? - 最近的公交车站/火车站在哪里?

4. How much is the ticket? - 票价是多少?

5. Can I have a map/brochure, please? - 我可以要一张地图/小册子吗?

6. What time does the museum open/close? - 博物馆什么时候开门/关门?

7. Is there an English tour available? - 有没有英文导游服务?

8. Can I take pictures here? - 我可以在这里拍照吗?

9. Do you have any recommendations for local food/restaurants? - 你有没有当地美食/餐厅推荐?

10. Thank you for your help! - 谢谢你的帮助!


1. Greetings and Introductions

- Hello/Hi: Used to greet someone.

- How are you?: A common way to ask about someone's well-being.

- Nice to meet you: Used when meeting someone for the first time.

- What's your name?: Used to ask for someone's name.

- My name is...: A simple way to introduce yourself.

2. Asking for Help or Information

- Excuse me: Used to politely get someone's attention.

- Can you help me?: A polite way to ask for assistance.

- Sorry, I don't understand: Used when you don't understand something and need clarification.

- Could you repeat that, please?: Used when you didn't hear or understand what was said.

3. Making Plans

- What are your plans for today/tonight?: A common way to ask about someone's schedule.

- Let's hang out/go out/get together: Phrases used to suggest spending time with friends or acquaintances.

- I'm busy/free tomorrow: Used to indicate availability for a specific day or time.

4. Eating Out

- Table for two, please: A common phrase used when making a reservation at a restaurant.

- Can I see the menu, please?: Used when asking for a menu at a restaurant.

- I'll have.../I'd like...: Common ways to order food or drinks in a restaurant.

5. Shopping

- How much is this/that?: A useful phrase when asking about the price of an item.

- Do you have this in another size/color?: Used when looking for a specific size or color of an item.

- Can I try this on?: A polite way to ask if you can try on clothes in a store.

6. Transportation

- How do I get to...?: A common question when looking for directions or transportation options.

- Is this seat taken?: Used when asking if a seat is available on public transportation.

- How much is the fare?: A useful phrase when asking about the cost of transportation.

7. Expressing Gratitude

- Thank you: A simple way to express gratitude.

- You're welcome: A response to someone saying thank you.

- I really appreciate it: Used to show sincere appreciation for something.

8. Everyday Expressions

- Have a good day/night: A common way to wish someone well.

- See you later/tomorrow: Used when saying goodbye or making plans for a future meeting.

- Take care: A way to show concern for someone's well-being.

In conclusion, these are just a few examples of common English phrases that you may encounter in your everyday life as an international student. Learning these phrases can help you communicate more effectively and make your daily interactions smoother and more enjoyable. So keep practicing and don't be afraid to use these phrases in your daily conversations!


1. In my opinion, it is crucial to...


2. It is widely acknowledged that...


3. According to the research findings,...


4. As a result, it can be concluded that...

5. On the contrary,...


6. In contrast,...


7. It is worth noting that...


8. It goes without saying that...


9. As a matter of fact,...


10. As far as I'm concerned,...


11. Taking everything into consideration,...


12. Based on the evidence provided,...


13. It is evident that...


14. From my perspective,...


15. To sum up,


1. Greetings and Introductions

- Hello/Hi: Used as a general greeting to someone you know or don't know.

- Good morning/afternoon/evening: Used as a greeting depending on the time of day.

- Nice to meet you: Used when meeting someone for the first time.

- How are you?: A common way to ask about someone's well-being.

- What's your name?: Used to ask for someone's name.

- My name is...: Used to introduce yourself.

2. Making Small Talk

- How was your day?: A common question used to start a conversation.

- What do you do?: Used to ask about someone's profession or occupation.

- Where are you from?: A common question used to learn more about someone's background.

- Do you have any plans for the weekend?: A way to ask about someone's upcoming plans.

3. Expressing Opinions

- I think...: Used to share your opinion on something.

- In my opinion...: Another way to express your thoughts on a topic.

- Personally...: Used before stating your personal view on something.

4. Asking for Help or Information

- Excuse me, could you help me?: A polite way of asking for assistance.

- Can you tell me...?: A polite way of asking for information or directions.

5. Offering Help or Assistance

- Can I help you with that?: A polite way of offering assistance.

- Would you like some help?: Another way of offering help.

6. Giving Compliments

- You look nice/beautiful/handsome today.: A compliment on someone's appearance.

- That was a great presentation.: A compliment on someone's work or performance.

7. Apologizing and Accepting Apologies

- I'm sorry/I apologize.: Used when expressing regret for something you did or said.

- That's okay/No problem: Used to accept someone's apology.

8. Invitations and Acceptances

- Would you like to join us?: Used to invite someone to join an activity or event.

- Sure, I'd love to.: A way of accepting an invitation.

9. Making Requests

- Can I have...?: A polite way of asking for something.

- Could you please...?: Another polite way of making a request.

10. Saying Goodbye

- Goodbye/Bye: Used when leaving.

- See you later: A casual way of saying goodbye.

- Take care: Used as a farewell wish for someone's well-being





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