

更新时间:2024-03-07 19:43作者:小编



1. Adamlanza是一个名词,指代一种罕见的疾病,患者表现出极端的倾向和缺乏同情心。

Adamlanza is a noun that refers to a rare mental disorder characterized by extreme violent tendencies and lack of empathy.

2. 音标:[ædəmlænzə]

Pronunciation: [ædəmlænzə]

3. 用法:


Adamlanza is a technical term commonly used in the medical field. It can be used to describe the mental state of a patient, or refer to the disorder itself.

4. 例句:

1) 据报道,击案嫌犯患有adamlanza,导致他对无辜者发动了。

It has been reported that the suspect in the shooting suffered from adamlanza, which led him to launch a violent attack on innocent victims.

2) 这种罕见的疾病在医学界被称为adamlanza。

This rare mental disorder is known as adamlanza in the medical community.

3) 医生们正在努力寻找治愈adamlanza的方法。

Doctors are working hard to find a cure for adamlanza.

4) 他的家人表示,他曾经患有adamlanza,但是经过治疗已经恢复了正常。

His family stated that he used to suffer from adamlanza, but has since recovered after receiving treatment.

5) 这种疾病需要长期的治疗和监护,以避免患者发生类似于adamlanza的行为。

This mental disorder requires long-term treatment and supervision to prevent patients from engaging in violent behavior similar to adamlanza.

5. 同义词及用法:

与adamlanza相似的词汇包括psychopathy、sociopathy、antisocial personality disorder等。它们都指代一种严重的障碍,表现出缺乏同情心和冷酷无情的特征。这些词汇可以互相替换使用,但是它们在医学上具有不同的含义。

Similar terms to adamlanza include psychopathy, sociopathy, and antisocial personality disorder. They all refer to a severe mental disorder characterized by a lack of empathy and callousness. These terms can be used interchangeably, but they have different meanings in the medical field.

6. 编辑总结:

Adamlanza是一个专业术语,通常用于描述一种罕见的疾病。它指代患者表现出极端倾向和缺乏同情心的状态,需要长期治疗和监护。与之相似的词汇包括psychopathy、sociopathy和antisocial personality disorder,它们在医学上具有不同的含义。了解这些术语可以帮助人们更好地认识和理解疾病,以及如何有效地治疗和管理这些疾病。
