

更新时间:2024-03-10 16:30作者:小编

aichuo is a Chinese word that means "to love and cherish". It is often used to describe the strong feelings of love and care that one has for someone or something.

Pronunciation: /aiˈtʃwoʊ/

Usage: Aichuo can be used as a verb or an adjective. As a verb, it means to love, cherish, or treasure. As an adjective, it describes someone or something that is loved and cherished.


1. 我非常爱惜我的家人,我对他们的每一个人都有着深深的爱绵绵。

I deeply cherish my family, I have deep love for each and every one of them.

2. 她对自己的宠物狗爱不释手,每天都会花很多时间陪伴它。

She loves her pet dog so much and spends a lot of time with it every day.

3. 他将自己所有的时间和精力都投入到了他最爱的运动中。

He devotes all his time and energy into the sport he loves the most.

4. 这座城市是我心中永远的挚爱,我会一直珍惜它。

This city is my forever beloved in my heart, I will always treasure it.

5. 她对自己的孩子有着无比深厚的爱,为了他们可以做任何事情。

She has an unconditional love for her children and would do anything for them.

Synonyms: 爱戴 (àidài), 珍视 (zhēnshì), 宝贝 (bǎobèi)

Usage of synonyms:

1. 我爱戴我的父母,他们是我生命中最重要的人。

I love and cherish my parents, they are the most important people in my life.

2. 她珍视着那条手链,因为它是她母亲送给她的。

She treasures the bracelet because it was a gift from her mother.

3. 这本书是我的宝贝,我每天都会把它放在身边。

This book is my treasure, I keep it with me every day.

Editor's Summary:

Aichuo is a beautiful word that represents the strong feelings of love and care that we have for someone or something. It can be used in various contexts and is often associated with deep affection and devotion. Other words such as 爱戴 (àidài), 珍视 (zhēnshì), and 宝贝 (bǎobèi) can also be used to express similar meanings. Aichuo reminds us to cherish and treasure the important things in our lives, whether it's our family, friends, hobbies, or even a place that holds a special place in our hearts.
