更新时间:2024-03-11 09:05作者:小编
1. airdrop is a method of delivering supplies or people from an aircraft to the ground, especially in areas where access is difficult or dangerous.
1. The humanitarian aid was delivered to the remote village by airdrop.
2. The soldiers were resupplied by airdrop when they were cut off from their supply line.
3. The rescue team was able to reach the stranded hikers by airdrop.
4. The refugees received food and medicine through airdrops in the war-torn country.
5. A helicopter was used for airdropping firefighters into the forest fire zone.
同义词:airlift, parachute drop
airdrop一词源自空中投放(air drop)的缩写,是一种常用于、救援和人道主义援助领域的运输方法。它可以迅速将物资或人员送达到难以进入的地区,帮助解决紧急情况下的补给问题。在现代技术发展的背景下,空投已经成为一种高效、安全且经济的运输方式,在各种紧急情况下发挥着重要作用。