

更新时间:2024-03-11 16:27作者:小编



1. a type of aircraft that is kept in the air by a large balloon filled with gas, and that has an engine for moving forward

1. 飞艇:一种由充满气体的大型气球保持在空中的飞行器,并且具有向前运动的发动机。

2. The airship is an old-fashioned mode of transportation that has been largely replaced by airplanes.

2. 飞艇是一种老式的交通工具,已经被飞机大量取代。

3. The Hindenburg was a famous airship that caught fire and crashed in 1937.

3. 1937年,蒙德堡号是一艘著名的飞艇,因起火坠毁而闻名。

4. Airships were once used for military purposes, but are now mainly used for advertising or sightseeing.

4. 飞艇曾经被用于目的,但现在主要用于广告或观光。

5. The pilot skillfully maneuvered the airship through the clouds.

5. 飞行员熟练地操纵着飞艇穿过云层。

Synonyms: dirigible, blimp, zeppelin


Airship is a type of aircraft that uses a large balloon filled with gas to stay in the air and has an engine for propulsion. It was once a popular mode of transportation but has now been largely replaced by airplanes. Airships are mainly used for advertising or sightseeing purposes, but they were also used for military purposes in the past. The most famous airship, the Hindenburg, caught fire and crashed in 1937. Other terms for airship include dirigible, blimp, and zeppelin.


In summary, an airship is a type of aircraft that uses a large balloon filled with gas to stay in the air and has an engine for propulsion. It was once a popular mode of transportation but is now mainly used for advertising or sightseeing purposes. The Hindenburg is a famous example of an airship that caught fire and crashed in 1937. Other terms for airship include dirigible, blimp, and zeppelin.




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['ˈeəpɔːt']n. 机场a place where airplanes take off and land, with buildings for passengers to wait in1. The airport is always busy on the weekends.这个机场

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['ˈeəpɔːt ˈbɪldɪŋ]一:airport-building的意思airport-building是指机场建筑,通常是指机场内的各种建筑物及其附属设施,包括航站楼、塔台、跑道、停机坪等。二:怎么读(音

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airport-building - Bing 词典

一:airport-building - Bing 词典的意思:airport-building 指的是机场建筑物,包括航站楼、跑道、停机坪等用于接收和处理飞机的设施。它是航空运输中不可或缺的重要组成部分。

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英 [ˈeəpleɪnz] 美 [ˈerpleɪnz]airplanes是指一种能够在空中飞行的飞行器,通常由机翼、发动机和机身构成。它可以被用作、商业或私人用途。用法:airplanes作为一个可数名

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