

更新时间:2024-03-16 08:30作者:小编

/ˈɔːltəneɪt tɛkst/

1. Noun: An alternative text or description used to describe an image or other non-text content, typically for visually impaired users.

2. Pronunciation: awl-turn-it tekst

3. Usage: Alternate-text is used to provide a text-based description of an image or other non-text content on a webpage. This allows visually impaired users using screen readers to understand the content of the image.

Example sentences:

1. The alternate-text for this image is "A group of friends sitting around a campfire." (这张图片的替代文本是“一群朋友围着篝火坐着。”)

2. It is important to include alternate-text for all images on your website to ensure accessibility for all users. (在网站上为所有图片添加替代文本是非常重要的,以确保所有用户都能访问。)

3. The alternate-text for this graph is "A line graph showing the increase in sales over the past year." (这张图表的替代文本是“一条线图显示过去一年销售额的增长。”)

4. Screen readers rely on alternate-text to describe images and other non-text content, making websites more accessible for visually impaired users. (屏幕阅读器依赖替代文本来描述图片和其他非文本内容,使网站对视障用户更加易于访问。)

5. When adding alternate-text, be sure to use descriptive and concise language that accurately conveys the content of the image or other non-text element. (在添加替代文本时,请确保使用描述性和简洁的语言,准确地传达图片或其他非文本元素的内容。)

Synonyms and Usage:

1. Alt-text: This is another commonly used term for alternate-text. (这是替代文本的另一个常用术语。)

2. Descriptive text: Alternate-text is also referred to as descriptive text, as it provides a description of the image or non-text content. (替代文本也被称为描述性文本,因为它提供了对图片或非文本内容的描述。)

3. Accessibility text: Alternate-text is an important element for website accessibility, allowing all users to access and understand the content. (替代文本是网站可访问性的重要组成部分,使所有用户都能访问和理解内容。)

4. Image description: Alternate-text can also be called image description, as it describes the content of an image for visually impaired users. (替代文本也可以被称为图像描述,因为它为视障用户描述了图片的内容。)

Editor's Summary:

Alternate-text plays a crucial role in website accessibility by providing a text-based description of images and other non-text content. It allows visually impaired users using screen readers to understand the content of the webpage and ensures equal access for all users. When adding alternate-text, it is important to use descriptive and concise language that accurately conveys the content of the image or non-text element. Synonyms such as alt-text, descriptive text, accessibility text, and image description are often used interchangeably with alternate-text.



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