

更新时间:2024-03-20 05:53作者:小编

英[ændʒ'elɪkə tʃɔːŋ]

美[ændʒ'elɪkə tʃɔːŋ]

1. Angelica Cheung: Angelica Cheung is a well-known Chinese fashion editor and journalist. She is the editor-in-chief of Vogue China, which is the Chinese edition of the popular fashion magazine Vogue. Angelica Cheung is known for her sharp eye for fashion and her influence in the Chinese fashion industry.

中文释义:Angelica Cheung是一位知名的时尚编辑和记者。她是《Vogue》杂志的版主编,该杂志是一本流行的时尚杂志。Angelica Cheung以其敏锐的时尚眼光和对时尚界的影响力而闻名。

2. 发音:英[ændʒ'elɪkə tʃɔːŋ],美[ændʒ'elɪkə tʃɔːŋ]

3. 用法:Angelica Cheung通常作为人名出现,用于指代这位著名的时尚编辑和记者。

4. 例句:

1) Angelica Cheung has been the editor-in-chief of Vogue China since its launch in 2005.

中文翻译:自2005年推出以来,Angelica Cheung一直担任《Vogue》版的主编。

2) As one of the most influential figures in the Chinese fashion industry, Angelica Cheung has discovered and nurtured many talented designers.

中文翻译:作为时尚界最具影响力的人物之一,Angelica Cheung并培养了许多有才华的设计师。

3) Angelica Cheung is often seen sitting in the front row of major fashion shows, showcasing her impeccable taste in fashion.

中文翻译:Angelica Cheung经常出现在重要时装秀的前排座位上,展示她对时尚的无可挑剔的品味。

4) Many young fashion enthusiasts look up to Angelica Cheung as a role model and aspire to have a successful career in the fashion industry like her.

中文翻译:许多年轻的时尚爱好者把Angelica Cheung视为榜样,并渴望像她一样在时尚界拥有成功的职业生涯。

5) Angelica Cheung's influence in the Chinese fashion industry is undeniable, as she has helped shape and elevate the industry to a whole new level.

中文翻译:Angelica Cheung在时尚界的影响力是不可否认的,因为她帮助塑造并提升了整个行业到一个全新的水平。

5. 同义词及用法:Angelica Cheung可以被视为“时尚界女王”或“时尚教母”的同义词,这些词也常用来形容她对时尚界的影响力和地位。:

1) As the queen of the fashion industry, Angelica Cheung's opinion on fashion trends is highly regarded by many.

中文翻译:作为时尚界女王,Angelica Cheung对时尚趋势的看法受到许多人的高度重视。

2) Many young designers look up to Angelica Cheung as their fashion godmother, seeking her guidance and approval in their designs.

中文翻译:许多年轻设计师把Angelica Cheung视为他们的时尚教母,在设计中寻求她的指导和认可。

6. 编辑总结:Angelica Cheung是一位备受尊敬的时尚编辑和记者,她担任《Vogue》版主编已有十余年。她的敏锐时尚眼光和对时尚界的影响力使她成为众多年轻设计师和时尚爱好者的榜样。在时尚界,Angelica Cheung被誉为“时尚界女王”或“时尚教母”,展示了她在这一领域的地位和影响力。




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