

更新时间:2024-03-21 02:59作者:小编


noun. 按摩

1. Anmo is a noun that refers to the practice of massaging or manipulating soft tissues of the body for therapeutic purposes.

1. Anmo是一个名词,指的是按摩或操作身体柔软组织以达到治疗目的的做法。

2. The word anmo comes from the Chinese word "an" which means to press, and "mo" which means to rub.

2. 单词anmo来自于中文词语“按”,意为按压,“摩”意为擦拭。

3. Anmo has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years as a way to promote health and well-being.

3. 按摩在中医药中已经被使用了数千年,作为促进健康和幸福的一种方式。

4. Example sentences:

4. 例句:

- After a long day at work, I like to get an anmo to relax my muscles and relieve stress.

- 在工作了一整天之后,我喜欢去做一次按摩来放松肌肉和缓解压力。

- The therapist used various techniques during my anmo session, including acupressure and deep tissue massage.

- 在我的按摩过程中,治疗师使用了多种技巧,包括指压和深层组织按摩。

- An anmo can help improve circulation and release tension in the body.

- 按摩可以帮助改善循环,释放身体的紧张情绪。

- I highly recommend getting a regular anmo as part of your self-care routine.

- 我强烈建议将定期按摩作为你自我护理日常的一部分。

5. Synonyms and usage:

5. 同义词及用法:

- Massage: This is the most commonly used synonym for anmo, and it refers to the manipulation of soft tissues for therapeutic purposes.

- 按摩:这是最常用的anmo同义词,指的是操作身体柔软组织以达到治疗目的。

- Shiatsu: This is a Japanese form of massage that uses finger pressure to stimulate energy flow in the body.

- 指压:这是一种日本按摩形式,使用手指压力来刺激身体能量流动。

- Reflexology: This is a type of massage that focuses on applying pressure to specific points on the feet, hands, and ears to promote healing and relaxation.

- 足底反射疗法:这是一种按摩类型,专注于在脚、手和耳朵上施加压力,以促进愈合和放松。

- Acupressure: Similar to acupuncture, this technique involves applying pressure to specific points on the body to relieve pain and tension.

- 点穴:类似于针灸,这种技术涉及在身体特定部位施加压力以缓解疼痛和紧张情绪。

6. Editor's summary:

6. 编辑总结:

Anmo is a traditional practice that has been used for centuries to promote health and well-being. It involves the manipulation of soft tissues to relieve tension, improve circulation, and promote relaxation. With various techniques and styles, anmo has become a popular form of therapy all over the world. By incorporating anmo into your self-care routine, you can experience the physical and mental benefits it has to offer. Remember to always seek a licensed therapist for anmo sessions to ensure safe and effective treatment. Overall, anmo is a wonderful way to take care of your body and mind naturally.



