

更新时间:2024-03-21 21:40作者:小编

[ˈænjuəl liːv]


- a period of time that an employee is allowed to be absent from work every year

- 每年员工允许缺席工作的一段时间

1. Employees are entitled to paid annual leave after they have worked for their employer for a certain amount of time.


2. The length of annual leave varies from country to country, but it is usually between 10 and 25 days.


3. It is important for employers to keep track of their employees' annual leave entitlement and ensure that it is taken at the appropriate time.


4. Some companies offer the option for employees to carry over unused annual leave into the following year.


5. In some countries, employers are required by law to provide a minimum number of days for annual leave, while in others it is left up to the discretion of the employer.


Synonyms: vacation, holiday, time off


AnnualLeave (also known as vacation or holiday) refers to a period of time that an employee is allowed to be absent from work every year. This is a benefit provided by employers to their employees as a way to promote work-life balance and ensure their well-being.

In most countries, employees are entitled to paid annual leave after they have worked for their employer for a certain amount of time. The length of annual leave varies from country to country, but it is usually between 10 and 25 days. However, some companies may offer more or less depending on their policies.

It is important for employers to keep track of their employees' annual leave entitlement and ensure that it is taken at the appropriate time. This not only ensures that employees are able to take a break from work and recharge, but it also helps prevent burnout and improve overall productivity.

Some companies offer the option for employees to carry over unused annual leave into the following year. This can be beneficial for employees who may not have been able to take all of their annual leave due to work commitments or personal reasons.

In some countries, employers are required by law to provide a minimum number of days for annual leave, while in others it is left up to the discretion of the employer. It is important for both employers and employees to be aware of the laws and policies regarding annual leave in their respective countries.

Synonyms for AnnualLeave include vacation, holiday, and time off. These terms can be used interchangeably depending on the context, but they all refer to a period of time when an employee is not required to work.

In conclusion, AnnualLeave is an important benefit that allows employees to take a break from work and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Employers should ensure that their employees are aware of their entitlements and encourage them to use their annual leave for rest and relaxation. By promoting an effective use of AnnualLeave, employers can create a positive working environment that benefits both the company and its employees.




['ˈænjuəl]1.意思:每年的,一年一次的2.怎么读(音标):['ˈænjuəl]3.用法:作形容词,表示每年一次的。4.例句1-5句且中英对照:1) The company holds an annual meeting to discuss

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