

更新时间:2024-03-21 22:50作者:小编



Anohana is a Japanese animated television series produced by A-1 Pictures and directed by Tatsuyuki Nagai. The series aired in Japan from April to June 2011 and follows the story of a group of childhood friends who reunite after the death of one of their own.

《Anohana》是由A-1 Pictures制作,Tatsuyuki Nagai导演的日本动画电视剧。该系列于2011年4月至6月在日本播出,讲述了一群童年朋友在一位朋友去世后重聚的故事。

Example sentences:

1. Have you watched Anohana yet? It's such a heartwarming anime.


2. The emotional journey of the characters in Anohana will leave you in tears.


3. The theme song of Anohana, "Secret Base", is a popular karaoke choice among anime fans.


4. After watching Anohana, I couldn't s thinking about my own childhood friends.


5. The bittersweet ending of Anohana left a lasting impression on its viewers.


Synonyms and usage:

1. Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai (the Japanese title of Anohana) - This is the original title of the series and can be used interchangeably with Anohana.

《あの日見た花の名前を僕達はまだ知らない》(《Anohana》的日文)- 这是该系列的原始,可以与《Anohana》互换使用。

2. Drama - Anohana is a drama anime that focuses on the emotional journey of its characters.

戏剧 - 《Anohana》是一部关注角感旅程的戏剧动漫。

3. Friendship - The bond between the characters in Anohana highlights the theme of friendship.

友谊 - 《Anohana》中角色之间的羁绊突出了友谊这一主题。

4. Slice of Life - Anohana showcases everyday life and relationships, making it a slice of life anime.

生活片段 - 《Anohana》展示了日常生活和人际关系,使其成为一部生活片段动漫。

5. Coming-of-age - The characters in Anohana experience growth and maturity throughout the series, making it a coming-of-age story.

成长故事 - 《Anohana》中的角色在整个系列中经历成长和成熟,使其成为一部成长故事。

Editor's summary:

In summary, Anohana is a popular Japanese animated television series that tells the heartwarming story of childhood friends reuniting after the death of one of their own. Its emotional journey and themes of friendship and coming-of-age have resonated with viewers, making it a beloved anime among fans. The series can also be referred to as "Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai" or simply "Anohana" for short. Other related terms include drama, friendship, slice of life, and coming-of-age.


